Woke up on the flight fairly early as the sun was up and watched an episode of the IT Crowd, this took me to near landing and after an in flight breakfast and listening to Pink Floyd the plane eventually touched down in London, hello uk soil! I got off the plane and after meeting back up with Jed we collected our bags, I changed my remaining money back into sterling and then hit up and ATM to get the last of my money off my Caxton Card. I then said goodbye to Jed and hopped on a bus towards Sam's house! It was a little while on a bus and after a bit of a gamble getting off at a stop I thought was right and asking for directions I finally made it to her house and was greeted by her mum, I had a cuppa which was amazing before chatting to Helen a bit, I was feeling the flight and went to put my head down a little bit which turned into a 3 hour nap.. When I woke up Sam was home from work and we hugged it out and then watched a bit of tv as we were both a tired from our days. After a couple mugs of tea we were feeling better and went to chill in the garden with Sam's friend Colette. After a bit of time in the sun we hit up Tesco and bought some snacks, after an amazing dinner we had some snacks and then Sam got called out to check a cat which was looking a bit worse for wear, after a quick check up the cat seemed ok as we headed home, we chilled out in the lounge for a while before eventually calling it a night, Sam dozed off pretty quick but my 3 hour nap had now backfired and kept me awake for a while, I eventually managed to nod off but no idea what time I did!
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