Your last few days with the dolphins and the whale shark sound fabulous, enjoy the rest of your stay,bring home some of that sand that feels like flour. Looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday. Getting ready for your big farewell party!!
Love Mum and dad xxx
Grandma & Grandpa
Hello there Philippa, the silly old fool has gone and done it again. I have just typed out a message to you and forgot to press the SEND button or even save it so here goes again. Great to hear of your latest exploits seeing all these magnificient wild animals in their natural environment. By now you will have passed through Dar, (obviously the local reference to Dar-es-Salam as we non travelled earthlings would call it) on your way to chill out in Zan (Zanzibar to me). I am now in the process of making our Sunday dinner which will not be as exotic as Zebra or Alligator. Enjoy the remainder of this wonderful holiday you are having and take great care. All our love. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Grandma and Grandpa. P.S. I must not forget to press the SEND button this time !!!!. Actually I see now it says 'Add Message' Here goes.
sounds like you are having a wicked time. i laughed when i read about eating the zebra, dont think its the type of thing i would like- sounds a bit too fancy, did you have it with lettuce and herbs??? lots of love anna xxxx p.s.Baby is kicking like a kangaroo now!
Hi philippa,
this is all very impressive isn't it? hope you are having fun. i had my phone stolen in spain so i thought i'd lost your no but i can just get it from this site. Text me about your leaving do cos i definitely want to make it. i am back from spain now so i suppose i'd bettter get into school and do some work. anyway, will be thinking of you. don't get too close to the tigers!
love from your recently poached friend, louisex
Hello my Welshers!!
You've been sweating and so have we too, as you've probably gathered by other messages we've been hitting max temps here too so its not just Africa where you need to shower regularly. London hit max ever of over 100 degrees other day, not that nice really. Off to South of France on Sat with the boys and co so looking forward to that. Spent last week on Isle of Wight with Winks, how the elite live...every day on boats in bikinis drinking champagne, mmmm!!! Keep up the happy jungling stories, sounds wicked. Can't wait to catch up on your return. Love the Millhouse XXX
Eileen (One Of Your Mum's Oldest Friends!)
Am most impressed by many things going on here 1) new job in Spain ..WELL DONE ... and good luck.2) all this clever e-mailing and web site stuff, excellent isn't it? 3) your Africa trip is fabulous, I am so envious and only wish I'd done the same at your age. Enjoy every minute. By the way you didn't need to go so far away for a bit of sun, you could have just come to London, it's been over 90F. for days now, we're off to Spain next week and I'm hoping there's a return to normal rubbish English weather soon otherwise we'll have wasted our money!! take care love Eileen and Brian xxx
Hiya Phil! I'm in newcastle tomorrow for a week - can't beleive I'm going to miss your send off to malaga, i will definatley have to visit instead!! and maybe bring some Chanel goodies up for you?? I am so jealous - sounds like the trip of a lifetime. When I see you we'll have loads to catch up on and loads of silly half hours!! much love Fifster xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Babe. Sorry it's taken me so long to check what you've been up to, but we've been away for a bit too.However, my adventures have been nothing like yours so I will keep relatively quiet about them. We took Rebecca to Chester Zoo last week and had a fab day. I tried to pass Bill off as a rare breed of monkey to see how much they would give me, but they were having none of it. Never mind, he keeps quiet after a few beers! We've also stayed in a couple of posh hotels as a treat which was really nice, but again I won't go on about the toiletries! Just think how much girlie fun you can have when you get home, getting ready for a Nite on the Toon. I think you should treat yourself to a pamper day somewhere when you get back as a pat on the back for everything you're doing.Anyway I will keep a check on you next week as we are home, but the week after we are off to Italy for a week so I'll be in touch when we get back. Lots of love and take care you, Susan, Bill and RebeccaXXXXXXX
Grandpa & Grandma
Hi Phil just read your update from Nakura. Keep the dispatches coming. Looking forward to one coming from Arusha and then Zanzibar. Take care. All our love Grandpa & Grandma. XXXXXXXXXXX
Grandpa & Grandma
Well hello there Phil, We have been getting regular updates of your exploits from your Mam and it really is exciting, exhilerating, amazing, interesting and educational when we think of all the things you have done. Well done to you, you deserve a very big medal. I printed out your story of the gorillas and took it up to let Grandma read it, she is delighted for you. I now believe we have moved on and you have been swimming in the Nile, albeit unintentionally, at least you would get a wash of some kind. White water rafting sounds very dangerous as does the whole expedition. There has never been so much interest in Africa since Livingstone met Stanley. Things go on here much as usual. Christine and Peter came home last night from holiday and I am busy at the moment doing a washing. (really listening to the washing machine doing its stuff). Enjoy the rest of your holiday and keep those E-Mail postcards coming. All our love Grandma & Grandpa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Phil! Glad to hear you are having an amazing time, cant wait to see all your photos of the goriallas and dolphins. Have fun lots of love jacques xxx
Hope you are having a fab time out there somewhere. I bet you don't look like the Phil we all know, the hair not straight, no make-up on hope you have managed without because you knew you couldn't take them. I have alittle boy crying in my ear at the moment getting me very stressed, he wants to sit on my chair, NO JAMES. only 3 weeks left where has it gone? You better have not lost too much weight as you know I am just getting fatter every day (b*****). must go just screamed at james be in touch when you get back love joxxx