I hear you are a bit pongy at the moment, bet it's a bit of a leveller; the best way to experience your mega trip though....I'm soooo jealous!
Mark and I will be over to see you before you go to Spain....CONGRATULATIONS you clever devil!
I hope to send you another message soon, just about to go out for a night on the town with Cath, Denny and Mark (it's jungle out there too!)
Take care darlin' and enjoy every moment. Somehow, I know you will.
Lots of love
Helen (The loose cannon from Yorkshire!) XXX
Hi Pippa!!,
Gorilla`s in the mist, part 2...The Return of the hair ape. ( best get shavin those legs phillipa.... i must remenber not to mess with you on your return. its ok `im sure we`ll make you feel at home, awaiting will be bananna`s, heavy overgrown ikeas like plants, and t few vines for you to swing from. Enjoy the dolphins, take care of yourself too...
bye for now,
seany sean!! xx
PS Caroline put the article in the paper for me ( Thanks Caroline!!!!) , students loved is, got then really motivated, my pic made me look really dodgy!!
Mum And Dad
How were the gorillas? By the time you get this you will hopefully have had a clean up,hope you are warmer now too. We are supposed to be getting a 5 day spell of the hottest weather yet, starting today, so we are looking forward to that. Catherine is back in Liverpool but coming home for your leaving do and, as Grandpa told you - a family party. Glad you are having such a good time. All our love mum and dad xxx
Great to hear from you Philippa from the middle of nowhere, I can even smell the smell and boy does it pong, phew. Let's know when you have had a bath or shower and we will put away the gas masks. Your Mam tells me you were a giant among the pigmys. That must have been heart rending to see them scratching among the rubbish tips for food !!!. Your Mam Dad and Catherine called round at lunch time today and brought me a prawn sanny - no soup. They had been up to see Grandma which was good of them as we haven't seen Catherine for some time as you know. Your Mam says she is organising a family BBQ for the 30th August to coincide with your return from the middle of nowhere, and Catherine will be here too.
All my love XXXX
Grandpa. Keep postcarding
Hello hello!!! Hope you are well.... oh my god I am sooooo jealous. I am still at work at 6.30pm on a Friday.. and you have just made me think - WHY WHY WHY? I have sank back into it all and I am ashamed.. please forgive me!! Hope you have a wonderful time and meet some nice monkeys... not like the ones we saw in Bali near the Hindu Hi de Hi temple. ha ha. lots of love Branwen xx
Hello Love! ha ha it's making me think of the time we went travelling - I'm really jealous - can't wait to see u and catch up on all of this! don't go swinging on the lianas like I did - they are covered in ants! wonder if you are going to have any freaky small world experiences like last time?!! love ya Fifster xxxx
thanks for your messages, keep them coming its lovely to read them,
lots of love to everyonexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Big Sis
What is going on with you and this nerdy yet impressive website. I am feeling a bit shocked about it all! I am made up you are having a good time and that you can text. Did you wave hello to the pygmies on the rubbish dump or just throw them a few morsels of food as you strode past in your new bench fleece? I am having visions of you sporting dirt stripes across your face and crawling on your hands and knees through the jungle. Miss you xxx
Philippa, where are you, I am here in the deepest jungle of Whickham looking forward to long messages from you, I have logged on every day since I got my computer back hoping for a note from you. I do hope you are enjoying the trip of a lifetime and I look forward to getting all the details soon. I can understand you are probably having difficulties finding a computer cafe in the middle of the jungle. Enjoy yourself.
All my love
Grandpa XXXX
Hi there Philippa, my computer has been off colour for over a week and I have only got it back today so I am experimenting with trying to send you a message. Hope you are enjoying being in the jungle and looking forward to seeing the gorillas, look out for the most dangerous specious of all, the human male predator. Have a great time Phil and I will keep up with you on this web.
Love you as always
Grandpa XXXX
Alreet Welshers?? Guessing your flight arrived safe and sound or are you still sleeping after the tablet?? Hope the tigers are looking after you out there. It'll be a wicked experience, more exciting than wandering the shops of Wimbledon!!! Be in touch again soon, love Steph XX P.S. I am a PS2 widow right now!!
Glad to see your website is back on line. Hope you manage to have a look at it yourself soon. Enjoy the gorillas, lots of love Mum and dad xxx