Javelin Round Britain 2011
We planned to leave on the last bridge opening of the morning at 8:07 but when the time came the water was too low to exit so spent the day in Calais. The weather is going to get worse and we left when the bridge opened again at 16:40. Had good down wind sail to Boulogne arriving at 21:20 in the dark. Having later dinner and then off to bed.
- comments
Yolanda Mark Schultz briefed CHN's new reoeptrr Katelyn Ferral on the backstory when I met with them a few weeks ago, so he is fully aware of these interests and motivations.Perhaps CHN is afraid of UNC or local elected officials (from an income or access POV) and would rather write about letters from Morganton and snakeskins than the powers that broker the backroom deals.CHN has yet to write a decent story on the organized opposition to the current shelter site.