Glad to hear how much you are enjoying yourselves. It sounds wonderful, and I'm quite envious! We're having the usual British summer of grey, cloud, rain, hot sun then thunderstorms. Keeps us guessing, I suppose.
Maddie is coming to the end of her 5 weeks stay in Andorra, home late next Wednesday. She's doing a mapping project for her final degree as she's now in her third year (scarey), but has applied to stay on for another year to do her Masters if she makes the grade!
In case you miss it, we have a new e-mail address as we have now come into the modern age and got Broadband. It certainly speeds up the internet and makes accessing your site and others much more pleasurable.
Sorry it's a bit late, but hope you enjoyed your birthday Peter, and that the rest of your stay 'down under' goes brilliantly. Have fun
Aloha- I am loving the pictures of Sydney. It does us proud! But I am thinking you need alot more up there- especially ones of 3!
Roy Hamilton
The end has come for me at the Fort, myself and Steve the chap who started in December got the elbow a few days ago long story and no doubt you will hear a version sooner or later only left to say is that I will not be at the Fort should you go back to work there on your return. Take care great to have meet you and your good lady enjoy the rest of your trip and hope we bump into each other again Roy
Roy Hamilton
Hi Guys already 5 months into the trip and it only seems like yesterday that you said your goodbyes to us in the posh surroundings of the FHD tea hut!! In 5 months nothing has changed we all are sitting in the same chairs same posters and the cups and teaspoons still have not been washed. Robbie rottern still loves us john picks up Paul at 10.30 & 1.30 sharp every day. Dave and Martin have just got back from a fishing trip and only managed two fish between them. Keith is trying to organise a race day at Lingfield so everything is exactly as it was this time last year ........Sad or what? bet you missing it? [sic]
Everthing sorted regarding pass I picked it up from your mum and it has been returned. [hi Mrs B if you read this]
Palace play Reading very early in the season at your place am going to get tickets will be a great match.
hope the job front is going well do not let those oz sparks tell you the Uk sparks are rubbish you show them after all you worked with john for 3 months ..happy days.
have talked keith into getting an I pod
Take care both of you
Good to have an update, i was getting withdraweral symptons it,s been so long without any photos!!!! Pavoroti was looking good considering how long he,s been dead! Really looking forward to seeing some of these sights for myself, especially the Koalas, i just love them; had a toy one once called Jimmy, came all the way from Oz with my Aunty Doris when i was little so long gone now!!!!
Loads of love to you both as ever Mum xxx
Emma Bevis
Hi jean and peter. hope your both well. everything is good here. just about to watch big brother lol !!
Went for a nice meal last night to the living room then went to casion. Me and Ian haven't been out together for months so, it was well needed, had a really good night.
Your pictures are all fantastic. you look like your having a really good time. seen laura and nat the other night for dinner. They said you had got yourself a job. Hope your enjoying it. Is the cost of living expensive? are you staying in a hotel? have you meet many people?
Take care
love emma, ian and jack
Hi peter & jean-marie
Have just been looking through your pics and you both look like your still enjoying yourselves which is a good thing lol
sorry you are struggling with the early mornings again for work you will get use to them again. well we are having rubbish weather at the moment the sun has shown its face a little the last few days but no good for me im ill lol said to your sis the other day when im better it will most likely rain again. well enjoy having fun dont work to hard remember you are on a break from it and will write again soon take care
lots of love vanessa xxx
Have tracked you down and found your blog at last, thanks to Mum and Dad. What an experience - so glad you are having a great time. Good luck in Oz. Saw Queen yesterday - she was in fine form and loves her photos and postcard. Love Thelma, John and Maddie.
Hello hope your having a nice holiday and i like your pictures. I want to go zorbing when you get back will you take me? Have fun.
Lots of love milly xxxxx
Roy Hamilton
Peter Sorry to worry you on your trip however FHD have advised us that they have not got your FHD pass back and require it as a matter of urgency. If you have handed it back to whom did you give it? If you did not hand it in and still have it we have been asked to get it back, so possibly Dave or I could get in touch with your folks and arrange to pick it up or posted back to FHD.
More bad news if you do not already know Reading are down playing championship next year. Palace are also staying down we lost our away leg 2-1 so lost 4-2 on agg so we play reading next year.
Hi ya, Just catching up with your blog and pics, again it looks amazing and would love to visit there, did you get my email on your blog? Still gotta put my Mexico pics on facebook for you to see!! When are you moving onto Australia, you looking forward to working hehe! Anyway, take care and speak soon xx
Roy Hamilton
Hi Guys Glad to see trip is going well and you are both enjoying your trip of a life time. Reading are in squeaky bum time big game to play you may go down if you do not get a result against already relegated Derby. Palace made play offs but we lost the 1st leg today against bristol city 2-1 so we have to go to Bristol on Tuesday and win. All still well at FHD Take care Roy