I have just viewed ALL of your photos of China in one sitting!!!! good job I'm not working, I never would have had the time otherwise. Really interesting, so different to anywhere else you have been so far, just a shame about the food, you really don't need to lose any more weight. Don't think I am likely to visit China so it was lovely to see some of the main attractions without having to do the travelling. Only two months left, be sure to enjoy every day as it will go by really quickly from now on. Take care, lots of love Mum x
Hello guys, Have had a look at your new pic's and they are just lovely well apart from that snake that jumped on to my screen lol.
It's shirley-anns birthday sun and i'll make sure it's better than last year so don't worry about that. Not long now and you will be home, i can't believe a year has gone by already. Jean-marie you look so happy and it shows on your face you are just glowing, tell peter to carry on doing what his doing because it's working. Take care love nessa xxx
Good to see you're happy Jean, you'll have to teach me that dance! Spectacular photos of the Red Bull air race and some stunning pics of Great Ocean Road, it certainly looked worth the trip. So now it is on to the completely unknown, different language and different alphabet even! Good luck and safe travelling. Lots of Love Mum x
Wonderful photos again, great shots of Whitsundays but my favourite photo was of the tiger swimming!Pleased to hear you have arrived safely in Perth, I'm sure you will find it very different to the East Coast.Keep having fun, only 3months left! Lots of love as ever Mum x
Hi guys, hope you're still having a fab time in Oz, the photos look great though you're both looking too skinny so eat more please! James and I just got back from Mexico....i mean Heathrow coz thats as far as we got! Glad you've got more bottle getting on all those planes! Been watching the Red Bull Air Race so hope you enjoy it, cheer on Kirby Chambliss!
Bernie (Land Rover)
Hi both
Although I haven't emailed you, I have been keeping track of your journey along the way. I was so excited to hear that you've finally got engaged. Blimey! If you can last this long with eachother travelling around the world, you can definitely be together forever! Congratulations!
Great to see the photos, particularly those of Mum and Dad doing the sights. Congrats on your engagement, continue to make those wonderful memories, and have a fantastic last part of your trip.
It was SO good to see you both and spend some time seeing the sights with you; seeing the photos brings it all back, we had such a lovely time and I am really pleased we had the opportunity to visit you. Have fun on the last leg of your tour. Lots of love Mum x
PS I think Sydney is my most favourite city of all time!!
The ring is lovely. Congratulations once again, im really happy for the two of you. Have a fantastic trip up the East Coast. Makesure you go camping on Fraser Island x
You already know how thrilled we are that you are engaged, the ring looks lovely and I can't wait to see it on your finger Jean. Four more days!!!!! I hear it is raining in Bangkok and Sydney too, so we will feel at home. Look foreward to seeing some of the sights you have photographed with you as our guide. See you very soon, lots of love to you both and Congratulations again, Mum xxx
Roy Hamilton
Hi Guys
So the reading beat the Palace 4-2 well done not that we expected anything else after the dreadfull start we have made to our season and the problems behind the sceens at Palace. Wanted to go to match as it was on our "must see" game this season however did not get around to it. Well done we will get the 3 points back when you come to our place.
Hope you are both well now you are past the half way stage how time flies. take it you are still in Oz.
Now getting on to 2 months since I last heard or seen anything from anybody at FHD was promised a reference from Haydon's by dave still waiting after numerous reminders!!!!
Take care enjoy the sun down under as we have not had a summer
Hello guys,
Just checked out the new pics!! You both look fab!! Remember to enjoy every moment. I 've sent you a message via Facebook so i won't bore you too much.