Thanks for sharing all the fabulous photos, I will miss signing in for the next instalment but it is really good to have you home safely.
Love Mum x
Brilliant as your photos are of Cambodia, I have to admit this is the only place you have been to that I really do not fancy going myself!! It looks like another world and there really is far too much violent history there,to actually "enjoy" the visit, I would have thought. Only 2 weeks left, now it seems as if you are just on an ordinary holiday! See you very soon, love Mum x
Im so jealous!!! I want to go back! Hope you both enjoy the last leg of your trip. All the photos look amazing! Looking forward to seeing you and catching up xx
Loved your photos of Thailand, thought the the Viking Caves on Phi Phi looked a little worrying, not sure I would have entered them for fear of never coming out again! Loved the photo of Peter with the monkey on Monkey Island and the photos of you both on Christmas Day show how well you are looking at the moment. Of course the best photos of them all were the tiger ones, you're right, they must have been drugged they were far too docile--fortunately!! Love to you both and see you next month!!!! Mum x
Hi Gina, Happy Birthday for monday a little late i am afraid I did send you a text but have your old number so now i know why it didnt go through. Hope you had a great day. Cant believe its not long before you are back now.
See you soon
Happy Birthday Jean for Monday, hope you have a great day! xx
Carol Holmes
Enjoyed reading your travel blog,and look forward to your Thialand adventures.Our son Andrew and his girlfriend are also on a world tour and have covered the USA west coast, Fiji New Zealand and are about to head up the east coast of Australia.They had their camera stolen in The Blue Mountain region,and had to replace it in Sydney.Best wishes for 2009.
Roy Hamilton
Hi guys hope you both had a great christmas and all the very best for the new year, in 6 weeks time it is a year since you peter deoarted from the tranquil surrounds of fhd as vannessa says it is really hard to believe. lost all my email details on my pc so if you get a chance drop me an email so as i can get your address. Super Palace the form team at present mirror image to our season last year poor start then race up the league we are present in play offs 2 positions behind reading and yet to play you at home.
Keep well and keep going
Hi you pair, I just wanted to say merry chistmas and happy new year xxx
not long now till your back in england, i cant believe its been a year already. xxx
Hi there from a damp, drizzly England. Having dressed the tree, and put up the Christmas lights outside, and decorations within, we've finally got down to cards and presents. So here's wishing you both a wonderful Christmas in the sun. Shame you will be missing out on the turkey and pudding - perhaps you can have a late celebration on your return. Also, have a very happy, healthy and exciting New Year - although it will probably be hard to top 2008! lol from Thelma, John and Maddie.
Well you beat us to Raffles, Dad really wants to go there but for the Singapore Sling, not the nuts!! Do you think the tortoises you saw in the water might have been terrapins? looked very similar. Lovely photos again, the ones of Petronas Towers look as good as the postcard you sent, thankyou. Have a fabulous Christmas in paradise and a Happy New Year too! Loads of love Mum x
Can't believe you are still on holiday! Get back to work you lazy sods!...and Merry Christmas in case you didn't get my elf email!!