We took an over night flight from Perth to Melbourne and arrived at our accomodation by around 8am. Having had a typically poor nights sleep, being spent on a plane, we spent most of our first day hanging around the hostel and the local area trying not to fall asleep too early!
The second of our three days in Melbourne didn't give us the chance for that much needed ly in, unfortunately, as we booked oursleves onto what turned out to be a very long day trip out to the 'Great Ocean Road'. We got picked up from the hostel at 7am and didn't get dropped of again till 9pm! It was a really enjoyable day trip with our guide for the day being well informed, full of dry Aussie humour and some strong political views!
We got to see the iconic ' 12 Apostles' along with plenty of other picturesque coatal views and had a walk amongst the eucalyptus trees spotting koalas and feeding the local parrots.
We probably should have allowed ourselves more time in Melbourne but we still managed to briefly explore both the main city and the St.Kilda area. Just aswell we are on a tight budget as Jean reckons she could spend a whole week in the city doing nothing but shopping!
Its finally time for us to leave Australia now and while its been fun we are both glad to moving on and are looking forward to a bit of a culture shock for our next destination.
NEXT STOP: Hong Kong & China
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