Are you still here???
Haven't you left yet!
CODY MICHAEL WILLOUGHBY born 12.47am Sunday 13.11.2011
My sister Verity and her hubby Steve were expecting their first born and asked me to be a birth support. Although first babies tend to come when THEY are ready (actually that really applies to all babies doesn't it, given half the chance), and would potentially delay our departure by several weeks, I am so very honored to have been able to support and guide my sister and the beautiful soul she carried, during their birthing experience.
Having attended several friends births previously, and with my 'bag of magic' in tow, I thought this would be a breeze!
Oh my gosh - not true!! Although I mentally knew the stages she would go through, and had felt the emotion of this before - wow I was so not prepared for the immense waves of emotion that would overwhelm my body as I breathed every breath with her. To connect with a birthing mum and be present with her is an amazing experience - connecting with my sister, allowing myself to feel her fear, to feel her grief, to feel her exhaustion and to feel her joy - rather than being a detached observer - was phenomenally beautiful. Although I will admit now as I'm writing this, I didn't allow myself to fully surrender to the emotions, as the controlling part of me felt that I needed to 'stay centred' in order to guide her well. But you know what - I wish I had had the courage to completely surrender to those gifting waves of raw emotion - to shake when she shook and sob when she sobbed, feeling the exhausted asking in her eyes.
Though her body birthed so beautifully, and breathed Cody into this world without drugs or medical interference - I wonder how much I could have healed, if I had been as raw as Vez was wanting to be.
Nevertheless, it was one of the most heart opening, loving experiences I have ever had - and I don't know if Verity will remember it, as she bathed in her reverie of birthing hormones, but it is one engraved in my heart forever. A true gift, well worth waiting for.
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