Paul's World Adventure
Up in northern Thailand volunteering now. In the last few days I've taught in a special needs school, and some other schools. Had some quite rough experiences, turns out that kids need a lot to do to last an hour. One class ended with a few of us looking at each other mouthing the word "Ideas?"
The cold bucket showers and the very thin mattress on concrete take some getting used to but starting to get there now. Next week is our homestay where we go up to one of the local villages stay there for a week. Apparently we are putting in a water system, not sure what it will entail but should be good.
- comments
Jerry Well done Paul, you can have the allotment shed when you come home!
Jackie Sounds like you are having a brilliant time. Picked your Dad up from hospital yesterday, I didn't recognise him with his bandaged nose, don't let him tell you he has had his sinuses done - it was a nose job really !!!! He went for a George Clooney one.
mum But he doesn't look like George Clooney - I think Jackie must have picked up the wrong man!
Mary It sounds like you are still having fun despite some reality checks. Building a water tower will seem like a doddle! Make sure you bring a headdress home for your Dad. He will look quite fetching in something like that. Happy birthday fro 16th. Looking forward to the next installment.
Merry Sounds like you are having some good experiences! Keep well and Happy Birthday! xxx
Mati Happy Birthday Paul or as they say your way สุขสันต์วันเกิด S̄uk̄hs̄ạnt̒ wạn keid Have fun, take care Love from all of us
G & G Dear Paul, thankyou for your message - you missed a good party. What a surprise for me. Never mind, 10 years' time and we'll do it again!! Lov e from us both x x