Good to see you didnt go back to England dude enjoy Tunisia
Holy s*** mate wheres the money gone , jus blag it cant go back to Newcastle get yer ass over to NZ get a job ne bother it will all be good
Tyrespotty Boyz
go on part time travella ne beans and rice left just sell ya butt to get some cash like the lady boys you know what a mean eh eh eh
well everyone looks like im cutting this trip short i got no money left cant understand why so i got to come back to sunny england and find out where its all gone so i guess ill be seeing you all sooner than expected
Laura K And Stace
hiya femfesh man!!!! alrite, hope you are havin a good time, pics are good but take more!!!!! in cyprus now its so hot we are all burnt but never mind probs not as hot as it is over there. have fun stace and laura k
where's the elephants!
alreet mr brown............hope everythings going good and the locals are treating u in touch and enjoy yaself mate......
Shirley Johnson (Tesco)
hi, brill pics hope youre havin fun in thialand, be carefull. put names on the pics next time so i no where you have been. a temple is a temple without a name luv shirl X
Hi son, hope you are well. I have checked out flight prices to Oz and it is about £900 in early/mid Jan but will be cheaper in late Jan early Feb, so keep me up to date with your plans. Have fun.
Hi, your photo's look good you must be havin a good time, hope your dheli belly has cleared up. berlin was good went to a concentration camp & got locked in! your mam says hello and keep in touch, I'll check this site out daily. Have fun.
Choice Bro!!! Photos look ace Goa looks amazing matey Good to hear you are well mate take it easy
hiya everyone can i just ask who sent the message with no name on it?