hi hope you are havin a good time take loads of photos so we can all have a look when u get back cya
Carl Fisher
hallow beans and rice have ya had the s***s yet to clear ya passage for the fagots
Marc Thornton
Hey hey Paul, you will be leaving soon have an awesome time bro. Been speakin to loadsa people in NZ and loads of them been to India and reckon it is awesome so i know you will ave a fookin blast. Hopefully see you somewhere around the world soon. Take it easy dude
Weapon Head
go on weapon head looks like a smurfs hat pork knuckle
beans and rice beans and rice
Hahaha bring me one back too! "but but ding ding 2 ninety-nine......"
Micky B
will you bring me back a curry mate
hey dude good to see you have your site set-up and ready to go!! Al be keeping tabs on while your gone. Not long now bro