We have arrived in Salvador after a grueling bus journey..
Leaving Recife bus sation at 10am after a quick homemade egg roll we board our Luxury?!! coach/bus... We hit the road and within seconds the road hits us back. The condition of Brazils main roads are atrocious at the best of times and this journey was about to push our tolerance levels and spines to breaking point.
After 10 minutes of being bumped around, the air conditioning packs up and the temperature in the bus rises. We open the windows and settle in for 18hours of sweltering. Katies points out that she feels like a Turkey in a fan assisted oven. A more apt analogy could have not been made!
The bus then veers of the main highway and down what can only be described as a haggard country track made of sand rocks and dead animals. We then pick up an old woman and all her furniture from her front room.
We continue... To pass the time we have a game of see who can spot the bloated dead cows at the side of the road. I believe the trip finished all square with a score of 3 a piece!
The bus gets hotter! We pick up more people. The bus gets hotter and the roads get worse... My spine turns to dust with the repeated bumps and crashes as the bus sails over potholes and rocks... after 18 hours of this we arrive in Salvador tired and beaten...
But... We saw the most amazing sights and one of the most outstanding sunsets I have ever seen. I wouldn`t have changed it for an air conditioned, smooth and direct journey for all the money in the world.
Well maybe the smooth bit!
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