Hey you 2! Trip sounds amazing and photos are fantastic!!! If those purpole trousers were the best of shopping in Bangkok then Rachel did well not buying!!! Take care, love, Shell x
ps. Happy Easter!! xxx
Hi guys! Really great to see all those photos! They look fab...and love Pat's new cookery skills!! Everything's taken off here with preparing for Becki's wedding and Thailand!! Will mail you when I get back. Enjoy the next few weeks guys!! Lots of love Rach xxx
I am very upset regarding the lackof abuse directed at Pat on this message board. Please commence. Ps. Pat, Fras was wondering if youd seen any hairy arm pitted women on your travels? or perhaps any tropical pets he could adopt preferably a vietnamese pot bellied pig? (for some reason) Glad Your well guys, photos look awsome, well the ones of rach anyway. Keep it real kids.
Grandma And Rose-Ann
Hi Rachel and Pat we hope you are both have a great Easter. We have Your Mum and Dad, Rachel. We also have Lucy. Andy and Dolores in Northampton for Easter and we having a great time. We are looking forward to when you too come back and come to Northampton for a weekend and telling us about your holiday. The pictures are great. We are going to show them to Shirley, Mrs Hazelwood and other friends who are interested in what you are doing. We very pleased your having a great time. Look
after yourselves love Grandma and Rose-Ann xxxxx
The Kinny's
Happy Easter guys. Hope you have a great day.
Love all the Kinsella's.
Irejftmfcnkhzsmjbdkd (It Means Easter Bunny Emily)
happy easter hope your having a great time where ever you are on friday it was boiling and yesterday (saturday) it was foggy cloudy like it was going to pour down with rain and it wasn't cold i also went to a party yesterday.
Sam & Chris
...and a Happy Easter to both of you from us too!
Nana & Grandpa coming for lunch. Richard here too; Lesley was on nights last night.
Where now? Still in Krabi?
Happy Easter!!! H.xx
Lu And Andy (From Little Britain)
Hope ure both ok and enjoying yourselves still!! Off to Una's now! We're going to the gym with her!! Lots of love x
Mr & Mrs White
Ho, Ho, We found your message board now we can read all the interesting messages!! Pleased you are having a great time. Me thinks I had better book another trip down under. I was all booked to have a 'massage' but I remembered the lectures we used to get in the Navy so gave it a miss! It does not seem real we were doing some of your trip a month ago, much better to be here in the cold and rain. I see Andrew has not kept you up to date with Portsmouth 1 Arsenal 1. Keep on travelling Dave & Marjoriexxxxx
hey guys, hows it all going, coming to the end of my trip now and am pretty knackered, lazing round on the bveaches now, we are in Koh Phanang and were at the full moon last night, so you can imagine how i am feeling!!!!!! we are off to Phi Phi soon so would be cool to meet up if you are around, keep safe Genxxx