how are ya doing i am missing you loads thinking of you right now.
email you soon
em xxxx
Hello dears...well today i worked at bank which was tiring and boring...but andy took me for a picnic by the river on my lunch break which was rather delightful of him...and i ate a doughnut...which was very yummy. Well actually i bought one in gregs which was NOT to my satisfaction so i bought another one in three cooks which was up to phelps standard and it was delicieux! Am slightly concerned mum is getting addicted to the bike...i wake up at 7am she's on the bike...i retire to my chamber at 9 and she's still on the bike!! I think it's to help vent her frustrations of being stuck with me all the time...Read ure message to dad...sounds like ure having an amazing time! No problems with the elephants then? Phew...
Take care and keep having lots of fun and please upload some pictures soon!
Adorable Cous Em
hi guys
hope your having a nice time. i can't wait till you've uploaded the pics.
Adorable Cous Em
Hi Pat/Rach. Great to hear you're enjoying the trip so far. Lesley & I are now back at home and suitably jet lagged after our own trip to the Tropics. Not been near a computer for two weeks, so hope you don't mind the late reply.
Your Bangkok stories bring back a few memories. You seem to have the tuk tuk drivers sussed good & early. I remember asking one to take me across town to the Thai boxing arena (Lumpinee Stadium? Highly recommended, btw, if you have time.) He pretended to know where he was going and then asked for 100 Baht for taking us half a mile in the wrong direction. I declined.
Will watch out for your updates with a lot of interest (& a measure of envy!) Delirium now kicking in, so time I stopped rambling. Take care and speak soon.
Rich & Lesley.
Have just come off the exercise bike and could do with that Thai massage right now, hope you enjoyed it Rach!!! Glad to hear you are having such a fun time, reading your email made me think I might like Thailand after all! For the time being though it looks like I will just have to look forward to sampling the delights of your cookery course when you get back.
Now about your sister Rach, she neglects to mention her nights out at Bamboo and in the watering holes of Worcester ! We are just trying hard to educate her in the finer things of life as I am sure you will appreciate!!!
Grand National this afternoon so Andy is getting excited!!
Just to make you feel smug Spring has taken a back seat here and it is very COLD!!
Keep enjoying yourselves, take care of each other lots of love xxx
It's half nine on Saturday morning, and I'm off to the gym - be impressed!! Missing you loads!! H.xx
Hello there...clearly i have nothing better to do with my time if i'm posting a message on 2 consecutive days...anyway...again an uneventful day in the Shire...loved the email...could just picture pat leaving u on that boat...wish i could have witnessed it again Pat! I can just picture Pat getting the crazy elephant that will only walk backwards or has got three legs or gallops off...Rach'll have the one that just sits down on the floor and won't move...
Going to play scrabble with mum and dad tonight...FUN!? Look what you've left me with Rach? Nights and nights full of exercise bikes...Poirots...Midsummer Murders and bridge ahhhh! I've aged about 40 years. When you come back I'll probably be applying for my new set of dentures...xx love to u both xxx
Grandma And Rose-Ann
Pat and Rachel we very pleased you are having a nice time. You need to remember to eat well and have plenty of Sleep. We look forward to seeing some photos soon. Look after yourselves lots of love Grandma and Rose-Ann xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I still haven't stopped laughing after reading your message - glad you're having such a great time. Party here tomorrow for John's 60th - 20 coming. Grandpa Akass not too well - in and out of hospital with plumbing problems but we're coping! Nana N and Grandpa G both much better. Cats both well and sun is shining. Will write again soon - and lots and lots of love - Mum/Chrisxxxxxxx
Emily Jo
Hi Guys
Missing you loads my dinner lady retired today (7 4 06).I will e-mail you again soon.