Hi Rach and Pat
Its about 11.00pm at night Monday 24th April and I'm just reading the message board - I was amazed to see Grace is going to Paris and the Artic Monkeys concert without telling me and the kids!!! Then I realised its probably your friend from Uni rather than my wife! Have a great time and keep posting the photos - it looks fantastic.
Take care Paul and all the the Kinsella's XX
Thanks from me too!! Sound good!! Looking forward to seeing photos!!!
How's Rach getting on with the mosquitoes? Keep in touch, ts of love x
Hi! Thanks for your email - sounds like KL is fantastic! I can't wait. Slightly concerned about the ladyboys though. Shame about the football... roll on world cup!
Grandma And Rose-Ann
Hi Rachel and Pat,
We in London this weekend visiting Richard. Richard sent his love. Rose-Ann was at a Deaf day on Saturday at City Lit. Over 10 thousand people came to the Deaf Day and lots of people were interested in what Talking with Hands does.
What is KL like ? Grandma said make sure the food is OK and that you get nice places to sleep. Grandma said Pat that if you are on any boats donot forget Rachel when you are getting off!
Love Grandma and Rose-Ann xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for the messages everyone...Dad...we're in the Cameron Highlands now, leaving tomorrow morning to KL. Only had a short stop in Penang. Will fill you in soon. Katherine...hope daytime tv's not getting you too down, this time next month you'll have a baby, ha ha! Cam...personally not too worried by the lack of abuse, but feel free to dole it out mate. I've been asking about here (Cameron Highlands) to see if they've heard of you. Stangely, they haven't, so I'll take the time before I leave to give them the run-down. As for Fras' women, he's best off looking elsewhere. Shell...will give you and Ed an email on your new home once I've been through. Cheers everyone
I regret to inform you Raquel that Colin, Dr Stokes, has a new love interest...and that is me. Today he told me...wait for it... 'You have such great teeth Lucy we can leave your appointment till Christmas.' Let the competition commence. Love u x x
Hello you two x It certainly looks and sounds like you're having a wonderful time. I'm very jealous...make the most of it while you can; I've hardly left work since I've moved into my corporate seat so you have that to look forward to!
Other than that, everything here is good. I'm off to Paris next weekend to watch the Arctic Monkeys so looking forward to that.
Keep on having fun and look after each other xxxx
Penang now? Bit more expensive!! Bit different to when I was there in 1968! Cameron Highlands soon? Have some warmer clothing ready!
Grandpa Gordon's 89th birthday today. Mum and I are going to see him and Nana this PM. Old Rover now completely stripped down for respray and being picked up in a few minutes. Back to Bru on Sun PM after a week at home. Tell us what is happening!!! This is 'your blog'!!!!
King Stupid Of Stupid World
Hi Guys
how ya doing we went to the country side center yesterday (thursday) we are going again today, it will be BORING! there will be me ,matt ,his friends from his class bethany , ashley, mattie m ,george and jack his big brother and will and his little sister felicety ( we call her flissy) i will have my friend alice.
Matt.......... only joking Emily
Hello hello....busy last few days here trying to get uni work done in time ahh!! Grandma's was lovely...we went to the gym twice as Grandma and Rose-ann's guests and used the spa facilities and we went racing on Easter Sunday which was lovely...Andy came too which was nice. Hope ure both well and enjoying yourselves! Missing u both lots...England isn't the same without u?! x x x
Fatty K
Day 1 in the Big Mother House. Bored. Have v fat ankles. Felt v strange not going to work today - have filled my time doing what I think people call 'nesting' (Otherwise known as cleaning and laundry....) The amount there is to do here suggests I don't need to nest as such, more create an entire bird sanctuary...... Hope you're both having a fantastic time. Have a few beers for me......K.xxx