Dear Uncle Patrick, you look great in the Neighbours photos. I want to be just like you when I grow up. But why are you and Auntie Rachel wearing coordinating clothes????
Shell And Ed
Hey you two! Love the photos of Ramsey Street!! Can't believe you met so many of the characters - am very jealous! Have a good trip to New Zealand and remember to try to get to Cathedral Cove! Going to spend the weeekend with Katherine, James and Daniel!
Lots of love,
Shell and Ed x
Didn't they offer you two beautiful people a part?! Great photos glad you are leaving Australia on such a "high". Looking forward to hearing about New Zealand. Hope you have a good flight on Sunday. Love to you both.
Wow. What more can I say. Jealousy is rife amongst any friends/family of yours who love Neighbours (me being one of them!) Like the black top Rach! Hope your having a great time! Keep it cool guys. Love xxxx
OH MY GOD......i am crying with jelously right now that you are cheek to cheek with Boyd.....BEAUTIFUL......(and beautiful couple you would make)....bring him home!....and toadie!....gutted Dr.K wasnt there....but the photos..and you both are stupidly brown.....not loving that at all!!!!
look after yourselves
lots of love
Spanish history and lit went well today...thanks for your text....only two left but spread out over next two weeks :( doh! Most people finish this week! Oh well nearly there - can't believe I've almost finished my first year it's crazy! I remember when I visited you in the February of your first year and you took me to Creation nan!! I was only 14!! Don't tell mum ;) And then you came back in the May telling me you had this date with this weird ugly guy called u really minger, hope ure both ok...both look lovely in the pics...24 degrees in the Exe today! x
Rach, that tan is obscene - you lucky girl!! :-) And I don't know if this attempt at making you jealous will work Pat, but I'm probably going to the test match at Trent Bridge on Monday hahahaha. Take care H.xxxxxxxxx
Ka Ka
Rach - I felt it my duty to inform you that I just got a job in Faith, hurrah!!! Oh, yeah, hi Patrick ;-) HB.xxxxx
I hate the fact you can't edit your message once it's posted....but not as much as I hate spelling and grammatical mistakes so:
*off mates* as opposed to 'of mates'
Ahem...that's better.
Just checking in...just checking in..... all fine and dandy here...lots of rain (because apparently Exeter is in a if you'd told me that wonderful piece of geographical information beforehand I may have reconsidered my university choice) um..oo yes exams2....nice. Got two messages last night of mates from other unis saying 'We've finished our exams!' and I was like ' Woo hoo haven't properly started them yet!" Had 3 (french oral, spanish oral and french grammar) which weren't bad. Got 4 more and finish on the 15th!! Pictures look lovely! Wish I was there with you! Hope u are both well, keep up the good work with the tan rach it's looking pretty good (she says without a trace of jealousy in her mellifluous voice).... loads of love from the Exe x x x
Hello my bronzed beautiful chickadees! Pat- sorry, didn't know it was your birthday, but I'm sure you had a fab time. Anyway, happy belated birthday! Pictures look absolutely wonderful- you look like you're having an amazing time. The weather is soooo vile here I'm considering going back in to hibernation. Big weekend ahead, so will let you know how I get on next week. Rach- must say you're looking a real honey with the slim tanned look- but make sure you don't waste away! As your in Oz now you sholud be feasting on barbies from dawn until dusk... Anyway, better fly and actually do some work. Hope the fun keeps coming and the sun keeps shining. Big love and hugs xxx