Well it´s been a good week since we´ve been able to find any sort of internet cafe but here we are in Salta, in the northern Argentina. Done a fair bit since the last blog so I guess I´ll start from the beginning and see how I get on:
So, after I posted the last blog we had another week in Bariloche learning Spanish. Our teacher the second week wasn´t quite as good as the first, which was a shame, so a lot of the lessons were spent looking in a dictionary trying to work out whether she was talking about a warm gadget or a bit of hot gossip (Chisme in spanish is gadget, but in castellano it means gossip! damn my Spanish only dictionary).
Anyway, we finally finished on the friday when we had to give a little speech in spanish to say thank you and they gave us some nice certificates to carry around with us. At least now I can buy a bus ticket although booking a hostel yesterday morning after a horrible night bus journey where we had to change 3 times was pretty hard. I think I ended up saying ´hello, we be of the bus staion, do you have a room, yes, yes, no, until the 5 minutes....?´Ah well, we managed to get a room so communication was achieved somehow.
Met some great people in Bariloche though, the hostel 1004´ is the best either of us have stayed in and this is becoming more apparent the more we move around the country. We went on an incredible walk up a mountain called cerro llao llao with a Swede called Oscar who was great fun.At the top you could look out over the whole valley of lakes and snow capped mountains.We were the only ones up there and as we looked out over the view 3 eagles appeared in front of us and flew around chasing each other as we watched.Amazing!
On the last weekend we caught a bus to El Bolson with Oscsar and an Israeli couple, Arik and Ofri Such a great group and we rented a small wooden cabana in this hippy town for one night. Apparently this crusty town has the most sightings of UFOs in Argentina, not sure why that is though........
Anyway, had a lovely weekend walking to waterfalls and cooking BBQs with the old guy who owned the cabanas.On the walk we ended up getting lost and had to scale down a steep cliff to get back to the road.Arik decided it´d be quicker to run straight down instead of zig zag so when we got to the bottom we looked back up to see these big trees and bushes violently rustling as Arik pinballed from one to the next and heard a voice shouting´Errr I´m a little bleeding!´.He finally emerged with a scratch on his nose where he´d thundered past a particularly nasty spiky tree giving him a nice war wound for the rest of the day.
Really sad to leave tose guys as It was the end of team Juan Pedro (so called because of the stuffed toy giraffe type thing we bought Arik for his birthday) Pictures on facebook. Then it was north to Mendoza, the Argentinian wine capital and abit of a change of temperature.
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