I've been traveling and exploring a lot in Philippines though but outside the country, I hope so. .. Being a filipino and a Philippine passport holder there seems to be a lot of restrictions that are imposed. With my first out of the country trip I've been offloaded for some reason but still lucky and was able to make it the following day with the support of my friends. Even enjoy my 3-day trip to Hongkong plus the all-free-rides in Macau. It wasn't part of the plan but since HK-Macau would only take you 2 hours by ferry so, grabs that opportunity.
From then on, I aimed to travel more. The only thing that crosses my mind is to work abroad hence, people around says that working abroad provides you an easy access crossing the boarders. I quit my job and decided to work here in Thailand. Nevertheless, when you are working abroad you can't escape from the reality that you are a filipino which connotes; work-earn-send otherwise criticize. You need to work, to earn and then send to your family. Thus, working abroad is never been easy and people expect you to bring home loads of dough. Lucky me because I don't have that much obligation for my family, coz they know in the first place why I leave the country maybe if I would send some it's because I want to somehow share what I have had. Unfortunately, haven't sent yet for them at the moment. SO bad!!!
I haven't heard anything of this "BACKPACKER" thing 'til I left the country and met some foreigners who engage themselves to this job. Socializing yourself, exploring the other side of the world and mingling with other culture would really broaden your perspective in life. The rumored of our culture; why can't we be like a foreigners who doesn't worry that much for tomorrow, why can't we just enjoy ourselves after getting a degree and why we need to give what we've earn back to our family?!? Was all answered plus a package of challenge… Mine you embracing our unique cultural values made them jealous (close family ties) that in some way answers my entire "why". Also amongst those foreigners I've met, they are the one who will pay for their student's loan. Then again, answers why we owe much to our parents for holding whatever degree that we have. On the other hand, my insecurities of coming from a third world country were still there. But those insecurities are my strength in pursuing my dream to explore what the place can offer. I maybe hypocrite to say I am just a tourist when somebody asked me during my weekends escapade but I wanted to tell the world that Filipinos could not only be a worker but can be a traveller to. That despite the fact that our country belongs to the 3rd-world we can't have the chance to experience the backpacking lifestyle. Like the other filipino solo traveler's wish that one day, we would not just only be known as being hard worker but also a backpacker. ..
- comments
joodz forget about the third world thing, with the aid of mass media and freely available internet connection,what thing in this world would a western mind will you not know from where you are now? your countrys' economic situation will not define who you are nor dictate what you can do, you alone can uplift yourself besides backpacking is a choice, its a lifestyles everybody can do it but not everybody want to do it, go on with your goals stop worrying about that third world chochoos, again it doesnt define you nor limit you
gly whoaaa.... go go go..