This morning was extremely hard. We slept through 2 alarms and Ash had to knock on our door twice before we got up. Without realising the time I had a leisurely shower and once I got out saw it was 6:50am and we had to be on the bus by 7am. Jen was still asleep. Biggest rush ever... Didn't even know what we were packing in our bags we just grabbed everything which was all over the room and bathroom. Skipped breakfast which is never good, but only just made the bus to head to Nice on the French Riviera!
To make things worse the flu was just starting for me so I couldn't sleep on the bus and was constantly coughing and had the running nose. By the time we got into Nice it was 3:30pm. We had to walk a fair way to the hotels and were all waiting on a corner while Lara spoke to the hotel. She comes running back with a slightly stressed face. This was because the hotel had stuffed up and we were being spit into two different hotels only about 200m apart, b ut still made things more difficult.
I was much worse at this point and decided to sleep for an hour before our early dinner. Dinner was lovely but very hard as I had lost my voice and could not stop sneezing. Tonight was Levi's only night off so the group was heading to a bar called 'Wayne's Bar' but i was definitely not up for it. Myself and a few other girls headed back to the hotel, getting cold and flu tablets and tissues along the way. Back at the hotel I had a quick shower and was asleep straight after. This was a 13 hour sleep with the only interruption being Jen trying to get into the room at 2am.
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