Glad to see you are havin fun, still cant belive you are gone. The tigers must have been amazing. Whats your email add?
keep doin crazy stuff and take care luv lynn x
Hi ya Pam, hope the interviews went good, are you in Oz yet? Henry keep sgoing on about the ladyboys, better send him a pic quick before he decides to become oneand we all have to suffer in the office. Thailand sounds great, gotta add it to the retirement travel list. Keep in touch, c ya.
alright luv, you sound like you are having a ball! seen any cute men on your travels?!! did you have a fried cricket by the way?! gads :-)
Hiya, you sound like your having a blast, wish I was there... glad you enjoying yourself, keep in touch and good luck with the interview. take care Ally x
Heelllooo ladies, i can be like tiger too. You can stroke me. Raaaaarrrrrrr
Debbie Gibney
Helloooooo Pamela, You wee jammy doger you. Imagine touching the tigers what a thrill? Must tell all as going over there next year with your old auntie Heather. Worse luck. Where are you heading to next on your trip? Take a load of pictures and keep safe. Debbie
Suzy Albon
Hey Pam,
Wow that is so great, such an amazing experience seeing the tigers, can´t wait to see photos! You can always go back on the way home!! You must be excited to get to Aus, so much to see and do, don´t forget to pop over to old NZ and see where we´ve been hiding all these years!!
Well take care, have a nice flight!
Avril Robertson
Glad your having a great time was so worried about you being on your own,but see you are having a fab time. Tigers look great. You will have to send me a picture with you in your suit when you go for your interview. Take care and keep us updated. PS Christine still hasnt sent your photo to send to Elizabeth she phoned today as she wont know at the airport who she is looking for. Take care. Mum x
Paul, you sick f**k
You ever thought of wrestling crocodiles Pam? i here theres a job going in Oz.
Pauline O'brien
hi chick, i cant believe your gone, your so brave i'm coming out next year for def. hope you have a ball and be safe chick, Pauline x
Angie And Baby Alan
hey hen glad you safe and doing well cant believe you gone and by self eek!!! alan getting so big wish you coulda seen him before you went. the tigers will be fun they looked after by buddhists at the temple and is chance of a lifetime to see. xxxx