Hello Pamela, my Mum gave me this web address and I have been looking at your photos, glad you're having a great time. I've only got 4 weeks left in Antigua but if you want to see my pics they are at www.flickr.com/photos/mairiandjames
Mairi x
Hi pammy
The new pics look great.Iam just back from Prague and it was -4 and snowing so enjoy the sun! take good care of yourself and enjoy!
love Heather x
Hi Pamela
I think your best bet for tours around nz is "Kiwi Adventures" you should be able to get info over there. If not let me know. Hope you are having a great time and look forward to seeing you sometime soon in NZ!!
Take care
Fiona and garry
Eh you do know you're supposed to write all us whites here up in breezy scotland msg's .....you know to make us jealous....you better have a fecking tan come January or else....I need to get my arse in gear for my visa....I miss you....No1 else is crazy enuf to want to go out on the razz on a sunday night.....Its bonfire night am off tomorrow and all I see is Fire bleeding engines so am all sad....stupid c**t is working tonight hope a ned hits him with a stone....might knock sum sense into him
Anyhoo before I go off on a tangent
Get tanning whitey
Chrisse xxxx
Zach Braff
hey chrissemac, stop stalking me.
hey pammy, i be your new flat mate yes.
i got new thong for when we go to beach. maybe we go skinny dipping yes?
I saw your new pics.....u mean to say you've been in a scorcher of a continent and u still look like Casper the ghost....I was gonna say friendly ghost but since ur billy na mates...lol.....don't worry 3 months today we can go out and show the ozzies wots wot......Am so excited I just hope my passport has no f*** ups....
Catch ya Casper
Hey hon! Great to hear that you are doing well....soooo jealous that the beach is practically on your doorstep!! Are you lovin the lifestyle then?Whats the work like out there?Suss it out for us!! Have fun-defin find folk to go out for Halloween! Take care hon and keep us posted x x x
P.s I am officially a proud new auntie of Baby Emily born at 10.50am this morning....yeaaaah!
Hi pammy,
congrats on your flat these guys have no idea what will hit them with you in the house! sounds like your happy out there just you take good care of yourself. Iam sure you will get some poor sole to go clubbing with you even in fancy dress!!!! photos are great glad you have taken the aussie life by the horns.looking forward to the next instalement.
take care love heather xxxx
hi pammy good to c u doing well. alan is getting really big! will be 2 in january. still working away in the braeheid. halloween jus will not be the same without u here hope u dressin up as a hulla girl!!!!
Laura Wilson
Hey, glad to hear you are now going out with people and making new friends, see its not so bad after all! Shame about the flat though. Didn't even thing twice that there would be an Ikea in Oz!! But hope you move in real soon, that way you will feel more settled.
I kinda hate reading your messages, cause they make me so jealous, but who isn't! lol
Speak soon chick.
Hi Pammy!! It's the 1st time I've checked out ur pics n stuff. Looks like you're having an amazing time!! I'm very jealous. It's officially freezing here!!! Loving the pics of you in ur wet suit lol ;-) Congrats on ur job and ur flat. What are the men like over there?!!! Keep in touch miss you xcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcx