Hello all,
Well havent we been having fun!! Since the last time we posted a blog we have probably been to a million shrines and temples but to be fair they have all been amazing! The reason we have been to so many sights is down to our handy Rough Guide which i told Drew today was not god as he seems to carry it round with him at all times and never doubts a word in there!! My fitness levels have certainly been put to the test as had to tackle thousands of stairs to see a few shrines today (emma think of waterfall moments in australia and you will remember the pain!!). We ventured out today to a place called Nikko which was about 2 hours north of Tokyo we saw some amazing shrines and a waterfall but most incredibly there was loads of snow (yes mum feet were slighly like ice blocks by the time we ventured home)- Drew was chuffed with himself when he realised he was the first Houston to touch Japanese snow!! Anyway we have pretty much seen all of the main sights of Tokyo now and so are heading to Kyoto tomorrow which should be good-getting another bullet train or two (we love them they look like space ships and are huge and soooo clean!!)
Better be off but the next time you get a post from us will be from Kyoto where we actually havent sorted out a dorm room so fingers crossed we have somewhere to stay by tomorrow!!
Love and hugs to one and all
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