Owen and Sarah's adventure
The last few days on Koh Tao were ruined a bit by non stop rain and we found the only thing to amuse ourselves with was eating, drinking and watching films with all the other backpackers on big screens in the restaurants on the island. So we were glad we left a day later. The coach back to Bangkok had a lovely decor of turquoise barbie pink and brown, not really what you want to be surrounded by on a long 8 hour coach journey. When we went through Chumpon which is the port we landed in from Koh Tao, they had been seriously affected by flooding we drove up the main road and it was like driving through a river, people waist deep in water, the sad thing to see was that the food stalls that people rely on for their living were still there with all the food out and there vendors standing behind their half submerged stalls waiting for customers. and a lot of peoples houses were flooded but they were standing outside still smiling.
We arrived in Bangkok to meet the Thai family Owen knows, lucky for us they own a number of hotels in Thailand, so we didn't have to worry about finding accomodation, and it was free, great for our tight budgets!
They took us to the cinema at Siam Paragon, it was like no other cinema experience we've ever had, the cinema was the same size as at home but only had bout 20 seats in it these were the most comfortable, fully reclining seats, you were given a pillow and a duvet and there was a waiter that served drinks to the table in front of you, and all this cost the same as it does to go to the cinema at home! Luckily the film was in english with thai sub-titles aswell.
We were taken for lunch and discovered some of the upper class shopping centres of thailand (very different to the Khao San) Owen loved the fact you could buy ferraris and porsches on the 6th floor of a shopping centre, was clearly where the rich thais shop but was cool to look around.
We went for breakfast at the familys house in Bangkok where we were given an interesting proposition that we couldn't refuse! We are now working for them! We have been given money to stay at their hotel in Phuket and also Rayong on the east coast of Thailand and use all the facilities and eat at all the restaurants, in return we have to record what we spend and write a report on quality and service, not a bad deal!!
So the last week of Thailand has been a bit of a change from the cheap beach bungalow on Koh Tao! First we went to Rayong, it was nice to go to that side of Thailand but to be honest it wasn't set up for tourists and we didn't find very much to do there, only stayed two nights so doesn't really matter.
We are now in Phuket and it is gorgeous, the beach at the hotel is as perfect as you can imagine, and for the first time in 4 weeks we have had two whole days of sunshine!
So while I amused myself sunbathing Owen went on a 7 hour fishing trip on a small longtail boat, just him and a local thai fisherman, he caught some big fish, but so he should after 7 hours trying! (women, they just dont understand!)
Owen has also tasted some of the local seafood, ordering crab and quite literally being delivered a plate with two whole crabs on for his dinner. It took him about two hours to get through both their shells with nutcrackers and fish out the meat. Not my idea of an enjoyable meal!
Yesterday we had the most amazing day out, we went on a sea canoe trip to the surrounding islands of Phuket, we were taken out on a big boat, it took an hour to get to the first island, we then got into the canoes, we each had a oarsman so all we literally did was sit in the canoes and be paddled about what was great! Our guy was called Luis, you got taken through dark caves that the sea had carved out, thay had bats hanging in them and then when you got to the other side you were in a big lagoon in the middle of the island, it was so nice to see these amazing untouched, uninhabited (except for wildlife) islands, and we saw a monkey, the first one of the trip! We went to about 4 in total going from boat to canoe and back and then on to the next. We were given an hour on the canoes ourselves which I wasn't looking forward to after the experience I had with you Michael! But wasn't too bad and I let Owen do most of the work, we got off on one of the beaches so suppose we could say we've been to a desert island (maybe?!) To finish the trip we had dinner while watching the sunset, not that we could really see it as it was cloudy! and we mada Katongs, gifts that the Thais make to the spirit of the sea. When it was dark we went out on the canoes and lit the candles and incense on the Katongs and let them go in the sea, and there was plancton in the sea that glow like fire flies, so it was really nice and peaceful.
We leave Phuket tomorrow and fly to Australia on Tuesday for the next stage of our adventure! Thailand has been amazing and we wish we could stay for longer, but never mind, we'll just have to come back!!
Will update you all next from the other side of the world!
Sarah and Owen xx
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