Bali has been lovely. To be honest the beach at Sanur is not the best but the hotel is great and the people are friendly, polite and very gentle which probably comes from the fact that the country is 90% Hindu. It is mid-season and there do not seem to be too many tourists around and those that are have to dodge the odd rain shower (often very heavy) as it is also the rainy period. The hip youngsters refer to Sanur as "Snore" which probably suits us wrinklies quite well.
As we contemplate moving on to Oz tomorrow highlights have been:
1. Watching a dwarf dry humping a dead monkey during a cultural Balinese dance
2. Having lunch on a balcony overlooking the most fantastic panorama including an active volcano (mount Batur) and a crater lake.
3. Listening to a live Country and Western band while enjoying dinner on the beach. Roger requested "Coward of the County" and was delighted when they announced that they were going to do a request - "Coward of the County" - only to find the delight turn to consternation when what was actually delivered turned out to be "Ring of Fire"! He has now made it his mission to get to hear said song played before we go home - Spotify doesn't count! Anybody care to wager on his chances - not sure how likely we are to come across a Cambodian or Laotian Johnny Cash impersonator!
4. Learning that there are male and female coffee beans which have to be separated (by hand in Bali) as male beans give a more bitter and stronger taste that the female - did you know that?
5. Trying Luwak coffee which is apparently the most expensive in the world and made from coffee beans which have passed whole through the digestive system of a mongoose! Not being coffee connoisseurs we couldn't really tell the difference from Nescafe but imagine what weird impulse first drove someone to think that it would be a good idea to try and drink Mongoose pooh coffee!
- comments
Nick "Highlights have been: Watching a dwarf dry humping a dead monkey" Am I reading the right blog? This has got to be written by Carl Pilkington right?
Catherine Well that certainly gave us something to mind bend over back here in Blighty! Obviously plenty of obscure coffee facts abound....could see it as a future QI topic! And as for the dwarf/monkey dance, not sure whether that is more concerning or Roger's musical taste!!!! Lets hope that there are some true Country and Western aficionados in Oz! x