This weekend was the opening of the Japanese baseball season. We headed out to Jingu Stadium to take in an ol' ballgame. One of Tokyo's teams, the Yakult Swallows was taking on the Hanshin Tigers from Osaka. Jingu Stadium is the oldest ballpark in Japan and was built in the 1920's. Babe Ruth actually played in the stadium back in the day. I'm sure outfielders that day were playing far deeper than the beer league softball depth we saw throughout the game.
We bought tickets in the grandstand and were wandering around and I walked in an entrance filled with Tigers fans. They welcomed all eight of us into their section as if we were longtime fans. When your team is up in Japanese baseball you stand up and sing, clap, and bang different items to make as much noise as possible while trumpets and whistles blow. We picked up a number of cheers and quickly made many friends. Our new friends gave us souvenirs and bought us Japanese drinks and ballgame treats.
One thing I enjoyed was how briskly paced the game was. Batters never left the box and pitchers always stayed on the mound. Of course we did see a lot of bunts with one out that left me scratching my head, but all was made well as we continued to sing Hanshin Tiger songs and mingle with all the devoted fans that made the trip from Osaka. During the seventh inning there was the Lucky 7 where fans sing a local song. It wasn't Take Me Out to the Ballgame, but it was fun nonetheless. It also appeared that the ceremonial opening pitch was thrown out by one a local sushi chef, but hey, he zinged some high cheese that would leave many U.S. celebs I've seen throw out the first pitch quite jealous.
Gentleman, a highlight of any baseball game in Japan is the beer girls serving drafts in fluorescent outfits, carrying pony kegs and wearing shorts. While it's so old school to hear a guy yell, "beer here!" I think many "true" baseball fans would be open to making this modification to the game in the states. I'm proud to say I drank for the cycle by having a Suntory, Kirin, Asahi and Sapporo beer.
I'm looking forward to my first game when I'm back in the states. I'm ready to bang some knockers and blow a trumpet to lead the cheers when my team is up. I hope I don't get doused with peanut shells and warm beer.
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