Yet another 3hr bus journey to arrive at our next location. We arrived on a small mini bus and before long were at the bus drivers house as he had ensured us there was nowhere nicer and at such a good price as his ´cabaña´ or cabin.
When we got to his place it turned out he was going to rent us his house, which was a bit strange as it was 3 bedrooms and a lounge and kitchen, slightly too big for Reet and I, however with the snipe of a price we couldnt look a gift horse in the mouth. To boot he had the world´s biggest rabbit in a cage which added comedy value to our stay. We got the "asado" (bbq) going and had some dinner, topped off by a log fire in the bus drivers house.
We awoke the next day with the soul mission of finding Diane, Jules (fella) and Marve (son); Diane is the sister of our friend Jane from back in Sydney. We had the rough whereabouts of the Buena Vista cabañas and so set off. We knew that they were located on the top of the hill at the back of the village. So we head off upwards, with half of the towns dog population following us. We got to what we thought was the summit of this hill with no cabins matching the description. So after talking to a whole collection of the local kids we finally found that the ´gringo´run cabañas were over the top of the hill only 20 or 30m where we´d been searching for over an hour at this point. We met up and spent the afternoon with these guys, deciding that we would much prefer to stay up on top of the hill and so went back down to the bus driver and told his wife we were departing.
Up the hill again, this time with a fully loaded back pack, felt like training for the SAS. We got there and had another BBQ that night, much better than the one of the night previously.
The next days were whiled away on the beach surfing, going for long walks and doing a spot of mountain biking and overall chilling out. Now realise how lucky we are to have the nice relatively warm waters that lap Australia. Surfing in a 4.2 wetsuit in the icey cold waters of Chile is fun but cold. On the last day we were greeted by a 7.2 on the richter scale earth tremor, luckily it was very deep below the earth surface and so caused no damage. We however didnt even feel it as we were walking along, everyone else however was straight out of the buildings. What I did see though was a scorpion as I was just about to stand on it. Close call
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