We boarded the boat at 9pm on the Sunday evening so that we were ready for the off at 5am the following morning. One of us woke up bright and early to watch the boat setting off under a vail of darkness on the body of water known rather disconcertingly as Ultima Esperanza (Last Hope) Not long after setting off the sun began to rise over the North Patagonian fjords.
Day 1 (White Channel - Glaciers)
The first day of sailing was very cold and rainy, regardless with many layers on standing outside you could see why this area of the Chilean Patagonia was so precious. We saw dolphins playing in the water along the way to the days grand finale which was the Skua Glacier. This massive glacier was continuously dropping off chunks of ice. As such on approaching it on the boat we were surrounded by hundreds of varying sized icebergs, some of which made a frightening thud when we hit them.
Day 2 - Angostura Inglesa - Bajo Cotopaxi - San Pedro lighthouse
The second day allowed for more of a lie in and no early pre-dawn getup. The main sight for today was a half sunken ship called Capitán Leonidas which sits right in the middle of the Messier Channel. More dolphins were spotted today with some additional sea lions playing in the boats wake.
Day 3 - Channel Zone - North and South Pérez channels
Today was very similar to previous days with lots of beautiful surroundings to be seen. The emd of this day would be moving from within the safety of the surrounding fjords to the open Pacific Ocean. As promised and expected this would bring 4m waves. With the big swell lots of people were to see their dinner again, once again one of us who shall remain nameless was one of this collective balfers. The big waves lasted all the way through the night until we once again went into calmer waters on getting closer to our final destination of Puerto Montt.
Day 4 - Ancud Gulf - Seno Reloncav
The final day was a lot calmer and with the calmness of the water came various whale sightings. Although none of them fully breached we saw fins and air being blown from their blow holes. In the afternoon something that wasn´t on the original schedule was a huge patch of fog that we sailed straight into. This led to some quite ghostly and mystical surroundings for the best part of 5hours. As the sunset we were able to take some really surreal photos.
The final day saw our arrival into Puerto Montt. Not much to see other than a boat at port. We disembarked ready for our next destination.
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