Our latest entry
Charleville, Queensland
G'day mates!
So we have made it out bush into the outback in Queensland. We are staying with a friend that we met in Fiji (emily from Penicuik), in a place called Charleville. The town is small, quiet and probably just how you would imagine a bush town to look! The roads are really wide (built to allow horse and carriages) and a lot of t…
Caroline Wadey Say hello to Emily for us! We went to the Steve Irwin Zoo, it's probably the best zoo we've ever been to, we were so impressed! Love hearing about your adventures!
re: Livin' out bushJubes Nice photos looks like your having a fab time! Very jealous x
re: photo from 30 May 2011AJ Is that yours??
re: photo from 26 April 2011AJ You guys doing silver service out there or something?
re: photo from 26 April 2011Chris Davidson Hi Matt, will be keeping an eye on this mate, hope you both have a great time!! keep living for the 306 buddy!! Chris
re: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona