Happy New Year everyone!!
Well I made it to New Plymouth yesterday morning ready to fall into a nice comfy bed.... 7 hours hanging around in an airport does nothing for the bags under my eyes. :( However, after a few hours rest was ready to hit New Plymouth with Jo and went for lunch, saw some rock sculpturing and even went for a walk around Pukekura Park where parts of the Last Samuri were filmed..... very pretty!
Then it was time to get ready for the big changeover to 2008. So we headed of to Butlers in Oakura to watch an apparently famous band in New Zealand called Supergroove. We got all dressed up, but sadly no champagne.... but we got over that quickly and got on tinnies of Jim bean and Tui's! The band were awesome... a bit like the Beastie Boys and the place was packed... a very different New Year's Eve but an excellent one all the same!
Some funny highlights of the night were: a) Going to portaloos in the dark in a WHITE dress.... a skill let me tell you! b) befriending 2 guys who later on facebook discovered were more christian than god... and no I'm not joking! Jo was extremely disapointed as she thought one of them was cute... but have to admit it was nice socialising without being hit on. To top all the religious stuff off, this morning we got woken up by Jehovah's Witnesses!!! c) an uncanny amount of kiwis falling over extrememely early in night, and no I didn't fall over once! d) feeling like a teenager again in a scrum trying to get one of the buses home, and then nearly getting in a fight with some guy who decided to take the piss out of Jo's London accent... but he backed off when I put on my old tough mancunian act! lol
The night finished up with a painful walk home and our feet are paying for it today... won't be doing much walking today that's for sure!
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