Right we are going to take this time to apologise to everyone. We feel as though our blogs are becoming less interesting and less frequent and we are truly worried that people may be getting bored. But we can explain the reason for this... We have been visiting many places and we are having a fabulous time however we really are having to spend the smallest amount possible and it seems that anything interesting we want to do that takes our fancy will probably put a large dent into our bank accounts. Therefore we are having to be so careful about how we spend our money and this means we usually just stay on a beach all day and go out at night and we think that this does not really interest anybody. But we will keep on trucking and we will continue to inform you of what we do whether it be sunbathing all day or getting incredibly drunk! So please keep reading and enjoying!
Anyway...on to Phuket. Let us explain the horrifying journey we encountered on our way up to Phuket. We left Sibu Island at about 1.30pm on Tuesday. The boat journey was a small 15 minutes and when we docked we said our goodbyes to Anip and Bob the Boatman. We then jumped into a taxi and headed to Johor Bahru bus station which took about 2 hours. As soon as we got there we hopped straight on a bus bound for Kuala Lumpur as there was no straight bus through into Thailand. This journey took a furthur 5 and a half hours and by the time we reached KL it was roughly 10 o'clock so we were all pretty tired. But no stopping! We had about 1 hour before we leapt joyfully onto yet another bus that would take us straight up to Hat Yai over the Thai border. If you can remember one of our previous bus journeys you will know that we stupidly sat at the very back of the bus. We have since avoided doing this but we were the last people to board this bus and guess what... the only seats tleft were at the bloody back! Thankfully the suspension on this bus was good and we did not experience the excrutiating bumpiness again. This journey was our longest yet... 8 hours! And to top it all off we had to get off the bus about 95 times in order to get our passports stamped at the border. We reached Hat Yai at 7 in the morning. We then sought out a bus heading to Phuket and found one which left at 9 so we had enough time to grab some breakfast before beginning the final part of our exhausting journey. Our vehicle of choice this time was actually a minibus with the smallest seats you could possibly imagine and just about no leg room. Good news for Laura especially. Finally 6 hours later we reached our destination and decided to treat ourselves to a nice hotel instead of a hostel as we felt we deserved a good rest after 28.5 hours of actual non stop travelling. We checked in and discussed our plans for the night. We planned to sleep for 3 hours and then wake up, get ready and go and explore the Phuket nightlife. We dozed off after setting our alarm and then woke up 17 hours later. Whoopsie! But we definately caught up on our sleep!
On our first full day in Phuket we didn't really do too much as the lack of money proved a problem. So we did a spot of shopping at the market stalls and practiced our bartering skills. Our hotel had a TV and the temptation of it got a little bit too much so we gave up shopping at about 4 and headed back for a few hours of MTV.
We were staying relatively near the main night life so we got dressed up and headed out at about 8ish. It is basically just one long road stuffed to the brim with clubs and pubs and men outside trying to sell you a 'free show' where Thai ladies provide the audience with entertainment by using a variety of objects in a rather obscene way (if you know what we mean...)! We spotted a group of 'intersting' looking Thai ladies dressed up to the nines! But then we heard them speak in low, manly voices and suddenly we realised that they were in fact ladyboys! We were very intrigued and got our cameras out and they beckoned us over so we could pose in pictures with them. Which we did warily but willlingly. However, no sooner had we stepped away from them they help out their hands and shouted 'TIP?' We were shocked! Then they started chasing us down the road continuing to shout! So we legged it and hid from them amongst a large group of people. We kept our eyes peeled for signs of western looking folk and came across and Aussie bar. But the only western men we could really see were dirty, disgusting, fat bloaters grabbing the arses of beautiful, young Thai girls who were hanging off their arms. It was a very sad sight but we were told that it is the only way those poor girls can get money... and the only was those gross men could get anything at all! We met a girl in the Aussie bar who insisted on repeating every five minutes that she had just got married and that she was on her honeymoon. After half an hour of conversation we got extremely bored so we went next door to an Irish bar called Scruffy Murphys. That was more like it! We were surrounded by cheerful Irish men who might have been old but they knew how to have fun! There was a live band who not only played classic Irish songs but also amazing Irish jig music! We had to get up and have a boogie to show off our dance skills! After their little set the band said they would be back tomorrow so we immediately knew what we would be doing tomorrow night! We left the Irish bar and looked for somewhere else to continue the party. But everywhere we looked there was either dirty old men or young Thai women with absolutely no modesty. Our young innocent eyes have now been scarred and burnt by horrific sights we do not wish to repeat! So we headed home trying to block the images from our minds.
The nxt day we headed into Phuket Town to a big shopping centre about a half hour taxi drive from our hotel. We couldn't actually do any shopping due to lack of money so we decided to go to the cinema. Martha and Laura have spent many a day doing impressions of Mr. Bean and remeniscing about the hilarity of the good old Mr. Bean tapes from back in the day so what better film to go and see than Mr. Beans' Holiday! Just before the film started, after the trailers, everyone stood up and we though they were leaving. 'How silly' we thought... 'the film hasn't even started'. But then the Thai national anthem started playing and the screen filled with pictures of the King. Whoopsie! We stood up quickly and pledged our allegiance to the King along with everyone else. After the film we felt the pull of MTV again and so headed back to the hotel.
That night we headed out to Scruufy Murphy's again, slightly earlier this time as we had seen their food menu the night before and it looked rather scrumptious... and we really fancied a good old hearty English meal. We sat down and enjoyed Cottage Pie, Steak and Guiness Pie and a Cornish Pasty! It was absolutely bloody fabulous! We met a group of Irish lads and one of them beared an uncanny resemblance to Martha's dad. We got chatting to them and they offered to buy us a drink. We took this offer with absolute pleasure. And no sooner had we finished that one then another one arrived at our table. And another one after that! It was great! It must have been our good looks and charm! And the Irish band came on and played their wonderful melodies again. The lead singer was asking for requests and then he turned around and said 'Where are those crazy dancers from last night? I want to request them!' And guess who those crazy dancers were... US! So we took centre stage and he whipped out his violin. We went crazy to the sound of the Irish tunes and our many adoring fans cheering and whistling at us! We ended our performance to a chorus or screams and happy cries. It was so exhilerating! So all in all we had a rather great night and not a penny was spent! We returned to our waiting beds and drifted into happy sleeps dreaming of violins and four leaf clovers.
The next day we woke early, packed our bags and booked our bus to Koh Phan-gan, the island of the Full Moon Party. But before we fully left we headed back to Scruffy Murphy's as we discovered that they serve roast dinners at the weekend and we really couldn't resist. They brought out steaming plates of ravishing roast tatties, lovely lamb and marvellous mint sauce! It wasn't actually that great but we ate it all anyway! No one can cook a roast like the English, it has to be said! After lunch we hopped onto the bus and set off for the sun, sea and sand!
We hope you enjoyed this blog... keep checking for the next one and leave us loads of messages! Byeeee! xxx
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