By jingo did it rain last night!
Drip drip dripping onto something outside woke me and Elaine up at 4am. I was half tempted to walk about on the balcony like a mad woman trying to find it and stop it. I decided against it and fell asleep again
We embarked on another long bus journey which was actually quite comfortable and almost enjoyable.
Elaine, Paul, Natalie and I played stop the bus which entertained us for a good while. Especially with Elaine's dodgy answers for tv shows. 'The queen's speech', 'the news' and 'v festival' were all rejected as suitable answers for tv programmes!
Anyway eventually we arrived in KL and to be honest, I really don't like it here much.
There's nothing special about this place at all. It's trying to be so very western that it reminds me alot if London and I've never been a fan of London.
I'm not interested in sightseeing tomorrow and for the first time in well over a month, I'm faced with the prospect of being bored!
It's a weird feeling.
I haven't had time to be bored til now. Everywhere's been interesting. But I just don't like this place
Ah well just tomorrow left then onto somewhere new.
There's a lot of who-har about going up these big towers tomorrow but I don't get what all the fuss is about. You're paying to go up a building, to look at other buildings. Whoop-de-f***ing-do!
Shanghai had better looking towers and more of them!!!
Anyway tomorrow I'm going to have a much needed lie in and pamper myself :o)
- comments
Mum Have a relaxing day take it easy and have a good rest, you must be worn out with all this travelling. You will probably sleep for a day when you get to Oz as you will have a nice comfy bed. Take care love u lots xxxx