Hi All
We arrived in Koh Phangan after a very long bus journey (12 hours) - on which Ant nearly had a fight with a big fat old German man. The guy put his chair back and squashed Ant's knees - we told him he couldn't have it all the way back but he said it wasn't his problem and still tried to push it back and nearly break Ants knees. We laughed about it afterwards! Oh - the air conditioning was broke and kept dripping on our heads and then we had a Thai bloke sat behind us who had a runny nose or summat and kept sniffling all journey - we nearly bought him a pack of tissues at the rest stop! Not exactly the best journey but it only cost us a fiver!
We got here after a 3 hour boat ride from Surat Thani to the island. I got a bit sea sick when we sat inside so we kept going up on deck but everytime we did this a rainstorm hit us (and in the middle of the ocean they're bloody mad), so we were both soaked. The rainy season has just ended. It rained on the first two days here for about an hour each time, but when it does it is definately a tropical rainstorm.
The bungalows are basic but we are right on the beach so that make up for them being a bit basic, we've got a bed in a room and a toilet and shower, thats it - no wardrobes or anywhere to put clothes so the backpacks are on the beds when we're not sleeping. We have a nice balcony where we sit in the morning and evening.
It was very quiet at first but its starting to pick up and more and more people are arriving on the beach. The water is so blue - its beautifully tropical. There's not really much to report - we have been sunbathing everyday - both got burnt a few times but then stayed out of the sun the next day and now we're fine. We hired a little canoe today and rowed round to one of the other beaches, this was nice as the waves were a bit bigger ont his other beach and we could therefore have daft fun jumping them and diving into them, the sea on our beach is perfectly calm, ideal for swimming in. Ant has been running the length of the beach a few times every morning and is looking very good for it. We're only eating two meals a day cos it is so hot - so we should both be keeping fit - especially after all the junk food we ate in America, it's a nice detox being here. I has fallen in love with the Coconut shakes they do.
Got some nice news the other day. My mum and dad are coming to Phuket for Christmas so we are going to see them for 10 days.
Well we'll write soon.
Nic & Ant xx
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