12 June - morning service at Jackson Community Church - clearly we're not in the Bible Belt here in New Hampshire. Only time I've ever been led in a confession that studiously avoided any element of repentance, forgiveness or absolution, and they tell me the Church of England is too liberal...
Interestingly, and somewhat disappointingly, the least friendly and welcoming people we've met so far were the regulars at the church. Generally the New Englanders' friendliness and naturalness is disarming but refreshing. They seem to have a genuine interest in people and to approach everyone with the expectation that they are to be trusted and liked - a real contrast to the increasingly sceptical and guarded approach from so many people in southern England.
Phrase of the day: you're welcome - automatically offered whenever thanks is given, in much the same way as Italians will always respond 'prego' whenever someone says 'grazie'.
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