Day 41, 14 August 2012, Dahab Diving Day 2 - To beat the heat of the day would involve leaving the hotel at about 3 am and no breakfast, so we stuck with the 7.30 am departure and headed north of Dahab for one of the best dives of the trip - The Canyons. Dropping down into a narrow cleft in the rocks and sitting at the bottom with the light streaming through the water, we thought choirs of angels were about to sing. Truly a dive site not to be missed if any of our diving friends come this way. Make sure they take you to the 42 metre entrance otherwise the experience of the Canyons will be all too short, as was the case for us. The second dive was the highlight of the day. A drift dive from The Bells site to the famous Blue Hole. A massive wall dive most of the way - even at 35 metres the bottom of the wall was nowhere in sight. James adores this sort of wall and it can feel like flying with the ground nowhere in view. Turns out while I have no fear of depth, I am still a little afraid of heights - even 35 metres below the surface. We eventually reached the Blue Hole - which for diving purposes really does go down for ever- and did a lap around the inside of the hole. It is the temptation to keep exploring and go deeper for longer that has caused so many diver deaths at this site. Fortunately I am a scaredy-cat and quite happy to swim up instead of down. Another beachside restaurant for lunch - great juices, dodgy pasta and an awfully friendly proprietor who thought it would be a good idea if I stayed in Egypt and sent James to Jordan by himself. Suspect if I'd stayed any longer camels would have been getting exchanged. Seriously though, loving the camels. They all have the daftest, smiley looks on their faces and they are the only mammals in the vicinity who don't look hot, tired and sunburned. The smell of roasting Europeans brings to mind a joke we were told when we first arrived in Egypt - the British arrive like potatoes and leave like lobsters. We've certainly seen a few lobsters today. The final dive of the day at the Canyons garden used our last skerrick of energy but was well worth it as a blue spotted octopus decided to shimmy out from under his rock and fly around in front of us like an aquatic Starship Enterprise. It was the day for octopus because another 2 appeared shortly thereafter. Patently no fear of salt & pepper calamari at this dive site. We took out an overdraft on some of tomorrow's energy and went for a stroll in the market before returning to the hotel. Even with the sun going down, we couldn't muster the effort involved to shop for much. Back to the hotel for another grand buffet, 3 precious hours of sleep and up again at 1 am ready for our 1.45 am departure to the ferry port of Nuweiba. It was a bit like an Egyptian Benny Hill show at one point as the driver missed a turning and we had to go back in order to get to the port. Fabulously smooth trip to Aqaba in Jordan and we were on the road to the Dead Sea by 7.45 am. The delights of a new country await and the air is cooler and gentler, so far at least. More to follow tomorrow. Whoops - make that later today!
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