Natalie's adventures
I left Melbourne early last Sunday morning and travelled by coach to Canberra where I'm now staying with Emma and Dave. They live outside the city on an ex RAAF base near the airport. Monday - Just stayed in the house and had a lazy day. Emma and Dave picked me up once they had finished work and took me to the local shopping centre for a look around. Tuesday - I had to get a taxi into Civic (no transport from where I'm staying) to the visitor centre. I then caught a bus into the town centre and did some clothes shopping. Its cold here and I have no coat so had to go and buy one. I also had to buy another jumper and some thermals!! I'm going to have to buy another bag so I can carry my new clothes!! I visted the the Canberra Museum and Gallery before Dave picked me up on his way home form work. Wednesday - Emma drove Dave to work so I could use his car to get around. I drove to the Australian War Memorial and had a look before driving out to the Australian Institue of Sport. At the AIS you are guided around the campus by one of the athletes and it was quite interesting. I saw some giant people playing basketball and some tiny little ones doing gymanastics. Dave, Emma and I went to Dave's parent's house for dinner in the evening before rushing home to watch the new series of 24. Thursday - Dave is away for the next 24 hours on an interview so again I had his car. I went to the National Museum of Australia for a few hours which was quite interesting. I then drove to the Telstra Tower which is on top of a mountain. From the viewing platform you can look out over the whole city and surrounding area.
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