Hello everyone! There seems to have been a problem with the blog - I've emailed them to try and sort it but no-one seems quite sure what's causing the delay.
So, I made it back from the rainforest! We had a great time, although it took ages to get there (and back) - 2 1/2hrs by coach and then 3hrs by boat...but it was worth it. We started the first night with a jungle walk, and saw several beautiful spiders, a tree snake, several varieties of stick insects and some deer. They do have elephants, leopards and tigers - but it's unbelievably rare to see them and you need to trek several days into the forest to do so! We did hear some gibben calls though!
The next day we walked along the canopy bridge, the longest in the world - although some of it was closed for repairs :-(, before climbing to the top of a hill for great views across the national park. We then visited one of the nomadic tribes that live in the forest. They are the only people allowed to hunt in the park, and they do so with spears and blowpipes!
The day after returning to Kuala Lumpur I visited the Kuala Gandah elephant orphanage - which was a fantastic day out! Although it was very busy, we got to feed, ride and swim with the elephants - including some babies! The centre takes in injured or orphaned elephants, as well as helping with the elephant translocation programme which moves elephants which are making a nuisance of themselves in farmland to Taman Negara national park.
I spent another day in KL, including a visit to Times Square - an absolutely enormous shopping centre which boasts 14 floors, a theme park, and the largest Borders in the world...apparantly. Needless to say I got a bit lost trying to find my way out....
I was hoping to head up to the east coast for a few days, but according to the hostel owner in KL, "the east coast is closed" at this time of year. So I'm now in Melaka, a historic town south of KL where I'll spend a few days before flying over to Borneo, where hopefully orangutans, turtles and probiscus monkeys await!
Lots of love as always xxx
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