I LOVE SYDNEY!! This is actually my favourite city as well as London! I am not sure what it is about this place, but on day one i fell in love with it. We have so far, been to the opera house, seen the harbour bridge, had a meal at daling harbour, went to the aquarium and had a look up the sky tower. All pretty cool, Yesterday we went to the big day out which is a day music festival that tours round the major cities in oz. We went with a few friends of Ali's from Italy that Alice and I know too. Was really good day, but was so so so hot. Everyone was just pouring buckets of water on them all day in an attempt to cool down. We saw a few aussie bands we have never heard of, actually quite good. Alice and I lost ali for about 2 hours whicih was a bit stressful, but she was with her brother and hhis girlfriend, so we knew she was ok. But trying to meet up was a nightmare. Anyway, we saw pendulum which were awesome and then artic monkeys. Who were ok but they played a lot of stuff I didnt really know or like that much. Hot chip where great as I love them anyway, but that played some new amazing tracks. The only annoying thing was that we couldnt get into the arena to see Prodigy because the whole world where the before us. We watched Neil Young for too long. Oh, but the best part of the day was probably the silent disco, it was so much fun and hillarious. Today we went to Coogee beach with the hostel and had a bbq! We were shattered from last night but still really enjoyed it. It was the hottest day of the year so far. But since we have only had 24 days of this year, prob not that big a deal.
Miss you all xxxxxx
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