Ok, so yet again I have been very rubbish at updating my blog! I am very sorry, and I promise to try really hard to update it more. Anyway, I have been in Melbourne for a week now. Since I last updated, I was in Queenstown, which was so amazing, Loved it there. We went to Christchurch for two nights before we flew to Australia. Christchurch really wasnt that great, not much there at all. BUT I did see Ben, a friend from university who is travelling around the world too, but a different direction to me, So we were only in the same place for two nights! So good to see him though.
We we arrived in Australia, after having a nightmare at the christchurch airport, apparently we werent booked on the flight, which was a nice and stressful moment, managed to sort it out though and arrived in Melbourne on the 14th of Jan.
My first impression of Melbourne wasnt that great, the hostel was pretty gross, everyone there were not very freidnly at all. Didnt like the area we were atying in, especially as we got shouted and sworn at by a scary old man whilst using the pay phone. Anyway, once we started to explore more I started to love it. Its quite a small city, and there are loads of cool streets and shops. Its seems quite continental in parts. We moved to st Kilda after a few nights which we all really liked. Near the beach and generally a really nice part of melbourne. We were very sad english though and went to the set of neighbours one day and a neighbours night another day. Where we hung out with a few of the stars. Doctor carl and his band performed too. He even held ali's hand and sang happy birthday to her. I was very jealous. Today we went to the austrlian open which was amazing. So so hot though. We were given corporate tickets off this really nice family, whichi meant we got seats in the main areana and saw Hewitts game! Was so so amazing. Must go, internet about to die! Will right up about sydney soon!
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