I am going travelling on 16th April, how brave am I, I will be 'Julie the lone explorer (plus her lil buddy)' with my bright blue suitcase and my laptop? Is that acceptable travelling luggage. Maybe I will write my own blog to compete with yours.
Auntie M
Hello hunny,
How you doin? I can't keep up with all the stuff you are managing to do, it makes me dizzy just thinking about it!
Don't you be worring about not having anything dressy to wear out,you will look most beautiful what ever you wear, and you could start a whole new flip flop trend!
We are all good here in not so sunny Beaconsfield! Much pressure to finish the house for when you come home, so it doesn't look like we have been sitting on our butts sinceyou have been gone!
Harry is so pleased to hear his surrogate mummy will be coming home sooner than expected.He is going to save his hamster treats for a big party when you get home!
That's all for now cept to send big love from us to you.
Miss you big time
Ello Little NB!!
So, swimming in the sea when drunk - forgive me for sounding really old, but do you know just how silly that is? Naughty, naughty, nughty!!!
I'm good, my ankle is still hurting from the 'run'. School was fun today. Its world book day so we all had to go in dressed as our favourite book character. I went in as PB Bear - his fav things are his PJs so I spent the whole day in my PJs. I even took the kids (who were also dressed up) to the library in Streatham, on the bus dress in my Pjs with my dressing gown to help keep me warm. Can't think why I got such odd looks?
Anyway - I'm off to bed!
Love you NB! XXXXX
Poor Neena having to leave Fiji and her drinking buddy.
Me n my drinking buddy (Birdie) are off to the coast in an hour, maybe we will go in the sea when we get drunk too, NOT.
It snowed here this morning, but has turned out quite nice now, well if you can class a windy 9 degrees as nice.
Me n Pan were both working from home today, it's funny how my version differs to pan's!
Mine, get up at 7.30, log on to PC, work until 12, stop for lunch, carry on at 1.00.
Pan, get up at 8, have a cup of coffee until 9, log on for half an hour, get Julie to check work, surf until 12.00, go to gym, come home and surf some more.
it all sounds wonderful, wish we were there drinking with you
miss you
Bula Neena
Read the latest blog. Brings back the memories of drinking out of a coconut with a straw and suffering badly the next day. Really pleased you enjoyed Fij, was worth the diversion. Me & Mum are off to the sunny south coast this week but snow has been forecast so not sure if we will get there. Make the most of the last couple of days. Hear from you in Sydney.
Luv Birdy & co x x
Chris Richardson
Hi darling ! I am so very happy that you will home in August ...it doesn,t seem that long ! I saw the picture of you as a brunette and thought you looked just as beautiful. Mumsy is flying her Mothers Day balloon for all the world to see and I got a text this morning to tell me it was there. BLESS ! I shut my ears when I was reading about your diving and then the Shark feeding episode ! I am pretending that you are just lying on a beach(with oodles of sun cream) sipping cocktailPlease take care Love you loads !
I will have your mother know that there was 2 other runners AND 2 walkers behind us!!!
I think your mad to go swimming with sharks! You are too wild and crazy for me Nina Bear! Will we ever be able to go out drinking together again?
hello little brat, that sounds like great fun scary though.
were you not allowed to eat the sharks!!!!!
Knock knock is there anybody there? Long time no blog Neena but then I am very guilty of not putting anything on here either so I will hush my beak! Love the new look. Mum has printed off a pic & I think the do is lushious, it really suits you.
Just booked our first family holiday, off to the woods for a week in May with the dogs. But this led to buying a new family car so we could get there. Would have been cheaper to have 2 weeks in Thailand with you!
Will try harder with the blog in future.
Birdy x x
Auntie M
Hi Hunny
Hope you are good, looking forward to the stories from the next leg of your adventure!
I must see a picture of the new barnet very soon, how brave are you! I bet it looks lovely and takes a lot less looking after.
We are all good here.Ashleigh was on half term this week, she had a couple of days with mum and they went to see uncle Sheamie. She had a cool time.
Still working hard on the house fixing upping that never ends. Harry the fatty sends his love, he is the laziest hamster that ever lived. All he does is sleep and eat.
Trying to book a summer holiday which is proving hard to sort out. We are going with Jo, Keith & Tash so if we ever find anything it should be good fun.
Anywho that's all for now sweetie
luv ya loads
Neena, Neena, Neena, no messages for your blog readers! Sort it out lady!
We all survived the Winlsow 10k, Cathal was first man over the finish line, then Lyn, me, Mr T, and bringing up the rear, Grogs and Dee, who were NOT the last, there was one poor woman after them.