God how sad is my life - you two are off in Thailand and I'm sat here writing about bloody tell!!! SAD SAD SAD SAD
Hay Ju and NB!
Was the train really that bad Ju? You poor thing! I love the new photos, I do hope there was more than one bucket though!
I have had a fun day - striking could become a way of life for a little Grogs! If only you got paid for it, the sun came out to play this afternoon and everything! I'm very excited about tonights telly, heroes starts again in an hour!
Love you both lots
Hi Ju and NB!!
Have fun at work indeed!!! It was my first day back today and its almost killed me! Can you believe that I was in at 6:50 this morning! I was sleep teaching this afternoon!! I'm so going to bed early tonight!
So are you girls having the most amazing time? I'm glad to hear that you NB are still the same! Not sure about this brown thing, its just so unfair. If its taken NB this long to go brown, it'll never happen for me!
I need to have some dinner, then I'm going to bed! Hope you 2 had fun learning how to cook, bet Pan can't wait to have you back Ju!
Big Hugs for you both
Hope Julie got there ok and that you are having a great time. Julie, really enjoyed Sunday and James loves his new teddy Ouf! Darren can actually walk again which is good, he struggled a bit on Monday but seems to be ok now. The odd thing though is new now its all over, his ankle seems much better!
Have a great time, look forward to hearing all about it.
L x
Hay there NB!!
So are you all ready for tomorrow - you must be so excited! I think Ju is REALLY looking forward to seeing you! HAving some big cuddles for you both soon :)
I'm having a good holiday, have so far got nothing done, but I've still got till monday. Its gonna be so hard going to work on monday, I've been sleeping till 10 every morning!
I went to see Nanny last week, she is so much better. We actually spent the afternoon sitting in the pub. When we went back to hers that Barney weed on me!
Right, I am going to get some work done now!
Love you NB
Jmummie Jan
Hiya Neen
Its Jules last day in work today and she is so excited!!!! You have to send her back all healthy and tanned!! You will both be seeing each other tomorrow and it will be so cool, I bet you are just as excited. Don't forget us while she is with you, maybe you can get her to say hi on the blog too. Take care water baby! have a great time with your mum.
Luv Mummie Jan
Ju - might be best to leave the soup at home!!! Think Nina would rather see you more than have you sent home for carrying some soup!!!
I'm on holiday now YIPEEEEEEEee!!! Want to know what I did with my first day off? Went into school!!! WOW! I really, really have no life left! Its s***! And I brought home enough work to keep me going for the rest of 2 weeks! I found out the other day that the foundation stage is having a big inspection on the 19th of may! Worse than OFSTED!!?? I won't be pooing my pants!
So are you ok Nina Bear? I miss you!
Hey scubes
Do you think I'll get thru customs with my chicken soup?
I can match the exciting life of Grogs, I've been for a 4 mile run, had chips and curry sauce, am now eating strawberries and then off to bed in an hour or so. Life doesn't get more exciting than that eh?
How's the poorly tooth now scuba Steve?
xx xx xx
Ello Darlin!!!
I loved getting your message last friday!! It really made me smile! :)
Only 3 days till my 2 week holiday! I can't wait! Bring on 2 weeks of no children and some free time - not that I have loads of planning to do, assessments on 20 children and then wondering how the hell I'm going to make it to the summer holiday! 6 weeks :)
I got you NZ postcard yesterday! I love getting post for Miss Stone!
Gonna go have my dinner and then I'm off to bed! See, my life is just as exciting as yours!