here iam at briggets and there raedind all your messeges im glad eveyboadys keeping in touch with you miss our thursday night supper not no what eles to say love you lot and lots
from nanny
Look, it only rans in the afternoon there - its been raining ALL bloody week!!!!
I was made to go to some weird concert last night - I'm going to bed now coz I'm still in shock!! My ears are still ringing!
Hey Nina!
Random question time:
Wot does santa wear over there? If he's still in his red thermal garb with furry trim I 'm gonna find it v.hard to believe he's real, he'd be far too hot and sweaty- it's just not realistic!
I like thinking all your crimbo cards over there have santa in bermuda shorts asking for a cool fosters to be left instead of the sodding mince pie.
Just a festive thought for you to ponder upon....
Byesie bye
Ali x x x x x x
Where be my little travelling monkey? Just coz you've got Keon now doesn't mean you can abandon us.
Fabian and Mail sent you a postcard from Thailand.
No news from here, the neighbours have started to put up their decorations, think I'll do mine next Friday. We're at Chris Cross's on Saturday, she'll probably have hers up.
Take care xxxxx
Hey Neens!
It looks to me as though you are having sooooo much fun camping that you have forgotten your blog addicted friends. I knew you'd come around eventually. You'll be wild camping, skinning rabbits and filtering water from the stream by the time you come home...
The Camper
Mummie Jan
Hiya Neen.
I come in to work every morning with a cheery smile not because I love work but because I am looking forward to reading your BLOG! Now I am becoming a manic depressive! I am missing you,(all the excitement in my life has gone). The glimmer of light that shone through the grey cloudy,windy,wet miserable skies in the form of neen's blog has faded into eternity. Now I only have the daily drudge of opening tasks and silence. No happy banter with Jules discussing your recent exploits no cheery conversation, just WORK! Please, Please Neen I know you are enjoying yourself but come on spare a thought for the poor unfortunate, wellie clad, muffled faced friends that rely on you, even the thought of Secret Santa is no cure.
Dejected alias mummie Jan X
Auntie M
Hey Hunny,
Was just thinking about you and though I wou;d say hello.Hope you have settled in now and that you are having a fab time.
All is well here, getting excited about Santa coming and trying to be good so I get some cool pressies.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Wot a cheek you have to sound disappointed with Sydney! Even dull skies beats the awful weather we've had here today, rain, wind-YUK!
I'm well into panto land now the cast all arrived tuesday and I hav a lil 'only Ali' story for you:
So having arrived on Tuesday, had a good chat with cast, all seem ok and on Wed I'd arranged a wine sess in the slug with my mates and told one of the panto pirates we'd be there should they wanna join us.
So yep, one turned up at about 9.30 -10pm and I was quite merry and intended to carry on drinking as I had day off Thurs. The girls went at about 11ish and I said I'd stay out with pirate til 12ish. Foolishly I took him to StJ ames forgettig it's a strip joint in the you can imagine now I'm being mocked daily about it by ALL the cast and unsurprisingly the pirate has asked if I wanna go out for a meal with him! Haha, he must think I'm a right go-er! Truth is coz I was sooo drunk I was quiite content in there with the bare ladies and we didn't leave til 2am! Oh dear. Will prob go for the meal but try and avoid strippers and such, it was like I was in bonny thailand with you! They looked quite ladyman-ish some of them.
Anyway, that's all for now (just to keep you going!)
x x x
So the rat... it actually lives behind us under their shed! I went round to see them and they said he's been under their shed for a week, they have promised to end its sorry life!
Nan said she had a nice weekend, said she has the best nights sleep in ages in your lovely bed, she said it is soooo warm and soft. We were going to call in to Auntie M's on the way back but they pretended they were out, how rude.
Hope you're liking oz a bit better now.
xxx xxx xxx
Hiya Nina
Tis a sorry couple of days blog I have just read but things will get better in Oz . Head North out of Sydney to Manley, loads of life there. Further North might be a good idea for Xmas, if you need some ideas give Elisa & Richard a ring, they'll know comewhere great for you to go.
Hang in there, you'll love it, trust Bird!! x x
Hello NB!!!!
So how are you doing? Everyone is right you know - you will love being in Oz, you are having a once in a life time experience and you have to make the most of it! So, get out there enjoying yourself, I know you are good at finding entertainment, even if you end up making it yourself!
So - back to me (coz I'm sooooo interesting)... Do you want to hear my funny saturday night story.....? So, we (hmmmm, we is such a funny word - not sure what to put but I'm sure you know who 'we' includes!!) go round to Matthew's for a quick dinner and some drinks before going out for more drinks. I had 2 cocktails and a glass of WHITE wine before going out. We met up with a load of Matthew's friends and I felt a little out of my depth so I drank 3 beers very quickly (can you see where this story is heading?) then we moved on to another bar in town and I started drinking vodka.... We left at about 1am to make the last tube home - which we made! Then we both fell asleep on the tube and woke up in Morden 9 f***ing stops past Oval! As we had then missed the last tube out of Morden we had to get a taxi which we had to wait 1/2 an hour for and it cost £30 AND the taxi guy thought it was very funny that we missed our stop he laughed at us all the way home. When I got home I was as sick as a dog, puked went to bed woke up at 5:30 took some headache tablets then woke up at 9 still feeling really ruff! Its now 11 and I have had some tea and breakfast and am feeling much better! The moral of the story..... Don't drink & try and make the last tube home or in my case don't mix rum, white wine, beer and vodka!
There ends the saturday night tale! Sorry its so long! Anyway, I'm going to have a nap now, writing this has used up what little energy I had!
Love you NB!
Auntie M
G'day mate
Glad to hear you arrived safely down under, must have been nice to land and see a familiar face to meet you.
Sounds like you have arrived just in time luv, those Aussies need a bit of livning up!
Stay clear of the sausages, I have been watching I'm A Celebrity and they stuff some well weird stuff into them!
You will settle in so well and be luvin it soon I am sure and can't wait to hear all your tales!