Glad you enjoyed your cruise and had a good Christmas. Ours was good and we had many toasts to absent friends (so it is your fault I feel so bad today!) Just home now and having a little cider top up! Harry came to Paulettes for Christmas and had lots of treats for his crimbo dinner. Mr Jingles was keeping a close eye on Harry, I think he would have stomped hin given the chance!
Anyway that's all the chat I have for you today.
Miss you much
Hi Nininski
Glad to hear you had a good Christmas, ours was quiet but nice. Nan had a nice time, I've put her on face book. She keeps making me check for messages, she loves it, she has 9 friends now.
Back to work tomorrow, then Corfu reunion at lunch time. I've got Friday off take nan home.
Love you xxx xxx xxx
Hi Nina Bear!!
Its been ages since I last checked in! Love the surfing pics!!
It was so good to talk to you yesterday! I wish I was in sunny oz! Yesterday was funny, it was a total write off for someone! We went to see my Dad yesterday and then went to meet up with Liam for a few drinks! Dee was looking rather unwell all day heheheh!
I have to go and finish my shopping to day!!! Really don't want to, I'm feeling very poorly (NO not hungover!) Then once I've done that, I'm off to Hounslow to see Debbie and Scott! Christmas sould be a laugh this year!
Anyway, got to go and shower - love you lots!
Mummie Jan
Neen Only one more big sleep until Christmas! Can't believe its come around so quick! I havn't seen anymore Santas or Green Frogs! can't have been drunk enough since.
Have a really really good time on Your Cruise and a very very very very MERRY XMAS!!!!
Mummie jan XX
Sounds like you're having a blast.
And your Christmas cruise sounds perfect, better than the fog and ice we're having to endure at the moment.
Anyway hope you have/had a fantastic Christmas.
Lots of love
Mr T and Bloke 2
Oh dear I wasn't at work to follow your cake and drink order, never mind we can do it Friday instead! Got our Christmas meal so we'll make a start on the drinking at 12.00.
Minus bloody 8 is predicted for tomorrow, far from tropical!
Going to watch Arsenal kick tottenham's butt on Saturday, poor Kirky and Darren one must pity the poor unfortunate fools.
Happy snorkling xxx xxx
Hey hey sweetie!!!!
Im at work with nothing to do so thought I would catch up on you blog and look at your pictures- they are amazing!! the things you are seeing are so beautiful. the pics of you on the beach nicking the sign bring bac memories of Corfu... hahah!!!
Very proud that you learnt to Surf!!! Will will have to go to Buckingham Pool where you can teach me(!)
As usual, left all my xmas shopping until the last minute- going shopping tonite and tomoro to finish it off!!
Im all sad cos I havent got my partner in crime for Christmas Eve:( no one to down wine with and get drunk in the Junction with!!! No one to shout abuse at Simon Crutis and Jo and talk to Simon Dutch with :( I will be stuck in Granborough while you are in Austrilia on a lovely cruise--soooo jealous!!!!
Anyway, hope you are well,
Love you loads
Nan's agreed to do the buffet for the Christmas Eve party so if you can't fly over we have back up.
Wipe Out xxxxx
How cool do you look on that board! Ta very much for the card & the fairy wings. Tried to put them on & fly over to Oz but they won't support the lard. It is on the tree though. Betsy showed no interest in it but Jet was well up for decorating with me. Partial to a bauble & loved the glittery ones, had it all over his nose and looked very festive.
Mum forgot to mention that she phoned me up while drunk on Friday & trying to hold Liz up at the same time. It was hilarious listening to them falling around.
Whitsunday Islands look triffic, wish I was going. Sitting here eating soup trying to keep warm, it's so damn cold.
Will try very hard to get drunk this weekend & remember to take the camera with me. Trouble is you are not here to show me how to get them on facebook, will have to rely on Ali.
Loadsa luv Birdy x x
PS can you fly back for 1 night just to cook the fairy cakes for the Xmas Eve office bash?
Get you with your tecnical terms, 'wiping out', they sing wipe out in a beach boys song and I never knew what that meant until now.
Elf hat every time for me.
Can you make the Corfu reunion on 27th?
I'm getting quite excited about Christmas now. Going round to Chris Cross's tonight for yet more alcohol.
Happy surfing surf dude xxxxxx
Hi Nina!
I've just read Auntie Manda's msg and thought it'd give me a good opportunity to promote this year's panto at the Civic Centre starring the magician extraordinaire Mr Paul Daniesl and his beautiful wife Debbie McGee!!!
It's very funny and I'm taking all the family along next weekend to boo, hiss and cheer like madmen! Tickets start from 13.50!!!
That's that done. I'm feeling very festive now and getting very excited that more and more of my advent calendar doors are open (it's just a shame it signals choc supply coming to an end!)
Love yoooou x x x x x xx
Auntie M
Hey hunny,
just having a bowl of chicken noodle soup to ease my hangover and was thinking bout you.
Took Ashleigh & Jade to Panto yesterday, it was so much fun! Me thinks we should book one and all go next year it would be such a laugh.
Then went back to G&G and ate far too little and drank far too much. Couldn't even have breakfast this morning. I am getting too old for this !!
So gald you have plans for Christmas, just make sure we will be able to speak to you Christmas day. We will have to set up a talking time cos I can't not be speaking to on Jesus' birthday.