Just to let you know what ive been doing!!!
Been getting up to loads of mischief as everyone would have expected!!! I went horse riding in Lake Malawi...literally!!! and loved every second of that!!! THe camp site there was amazing!!!! Bit late on the updates im afraid so i will have to just tell you about what i been doing at a later date!!!! And show off all my of the funniest nights out was when we were all given a bin bag and had to be creative and wear it as an outfit!!!! That was for Sarahs birthday! It was lots of fun!!!
Arrived at Flatdogs camp in South Llongwe national park, within 10 minutes we had a family of elephants wander through the campsite, i decided to have a lazy day before i had to cook for 25 people so headed to the pool (the river was out of boundsa due to crocs and hippos!!!!) Whilst sat there having a bit of a chat with a new girl who has arrived on the trip i noticed a giraffe that happened to wander past and decide to stand and eat some leaves off a tree!!!! The night only got better when we all headed to the bar to play silly games (Pat the driver/climber decided to swing from the roof tops!!!) on heading back we saw about 10 giraffe all wandering past and a hippo that decided to rock up next to one of our tents and have a bit of a graze next to it!!! We are constantyl hearing hippos and elephants!!!! Today i went actually into the national Park where i got to see a Lion and his cubs eating a small hippo, also saw loads of giraffe, elephants, birds, antelope, zebra and crocs!!! Im having an amazing time, loving every second of it!!!! We are heading down again tom, no border corssing yet thou and are bush camping along the way...which unfortunaly means that for my birthday i will be unable to have a shower, i will be in the truck all day...and i will probably have to do some kind of birthday challenge....the last girl who had a birthday had to baa like a sheep before she was allowed to say anythin and if she didnt she had to sing spice girls!!!! It was hilarious!!!
Everythin is really expensive here, well compared to Zimbabwe where we should have been going, but im still managing to do everythin i wanted to do. Should be doing the gorge swing, walking with lions in the the next week so i will keep you all updated then. I must admit i keep getting very confused about the money, one minute its 2000 something or other to a dollar, the next day its 148 sdomething to the dollar then its like 100000 to the dollar, so when u go to the bar and ask for a coke and they say 10000 your a tad shocked until you remember...hang on thats actually only 50p!!!!!
Hope everyone back home is doing ok, i love and miss you all loads!!! xxxx
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