Nikki's Travels
Hello again,
We left Kiakoura and have headed up to the top of the South Island to a city called Nelson. Once again it was raining when we arrived here but luckily the next day was gorgeous so naturally we headed to the local beach which was lovely, except for the seagulls who managed to toilet on me 4 times all within 40 minutes!! Now I know what you'll all be thinking 'oh apparently thats lucky' ...well if you ask me its actually really bloody unlucky and unlike nosh and gill i was not highly amused!
Anyway, aside from the seagulls, which i now hate and curse at everytime one flys overhead, we had a great couple of days on the beach despite being a little sunburnt. After a tip off from a strange Isrealian guy in one of the hostels we camped at, we headed to the Golden Bay which turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip so far.
Farewell Spit was stunning and we later headed to a nearby beach (titled 'gorgeous beach in the photos because i can't remember the name) where we ran around for a while in excitement of the gorgeousness of it! We then headed towards a cave to explore and to our surprise there we 2 wild seals sat there looking at us! One of which was quite the poser (the female presumabely!) and was happy striking many looks for our cameras, and the other (clearly the male) was not impressed at all, fell asleep and occasionally grunted when we got too close - too close being about 8 feet away!
Today we explored a beach on the outskirts of Abel Tasman National Park which was simply stunning and we spent the day splashing in the rock pools and trying to find cockels to cook on the barbie later (not that i'll eat them i hate seafood!). We're now back in Nelson on our way towards Picton to get our ferry across to the North Island on Saturday. Although we're looking forward to the North Island we'll be sad to leave here because it is just so lush!
Graeme and Leone, Fred and Kay - watch out we're on our way!!!!
I hope things are good in sunny England, despite the fun i'm having i do miss you all!
Take care,
Loadsa love Me xx
Uncle Col: Thanks so much for the Lonely Planet it has become our bible!
Mum & Dad: Thanks for the gossip updates, missing you loads
Sisters & Bruv: You should come to NZ, all of you!
Joanne: Losing your phone again! My numbers 0777 9590147 - wolly!
Aunty Lou: Hope you had a good birthday
Pops: Mines a Chicken Tikka Masala please - as always!
B&T Accounts: Ha ha your at work and i'm not! Although i do miss our lunches!
Em & Chris: We're heading to Aus 22nd Feb, starting in Melbourne, would love to meet up if poss
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