Another travel day...we started our trek back with a 2 hour tractor ride, we were slowed down a bit with a traffic jam of cows!
Once we made it out we had a 2 hour bus ride to La Fortuna. This is a small town that is at the base of the Arenal Volcano, it's a bit more touristy than most of the other places we have visited but it's a cute town with lots of bars and restaurants to check out. Apparently the cafe across the street has cakes that are hard to resist so I'm sure I'll have to wander over once or twice over the next couple of days.
An interesting tid bit, most of the expensive hotels etc have a helicopter so incase the volcano erupts they are able to's been dormant now for about a year here's hoping it stays that way for a couple more days!
The highlight of my day today...laundry...after days an days of rain and humidity my clothes were starting to smell pretty bad...we were all excited to learn there was a laundromat in La Fortuna. The best part it was actually a laundry service, I dropped my smelly clothes off at 1:30 and picked up clean and folded clothes at 4:30. I could totally get used to that!
Tonight we went to check out the Baldi hotsprings, there are 20 pools of varying temperatures, it was a total oasis...another relaxing day, but more adventuring is on deck for tomorrow!
- comments
Patti Hi Bunny, sounds like you are having some fine R & R. how's the the tan coming along? Any foods you are particularly enjoying?
nicolemlatham The tan is coming very slowly, although I'm sitting in the sun right now so hopefully I'm making some progress...we have had incredible meals since we've been here, lots of chicken, fresh fish, fresh veggies and delicious fruit. Every meal I have I say I think this one was my fav!