What a comfortable night! It felt so good to sleep in the warmth. Stephanie, whom was sleeping in the bunk above me, woke me up this morning with: "Nick, are you awake?" We planned our day together (since Olivia was leaving today in the morning). We were going to have breakfast at the pastery place, go take out money, transfer all of Stephanie's things to another hostel (she was staying an extra night), go on the internet, book our tour to the Atacama desert, have lunch, go on our tour.
Throughout the day, like yesterday, I was graving empanadas. Empanadas are like salteñas from Bolivia (which was probably the reason why I was craving them). Our tour to the Moon Valley and Death Valley was at 3pm. I had to be back by 7pm because my 24-hour bus ride to Santiago was at 7:30pm.
When 3pm came along, we took a bus at the agency where we booked the tour. San Pedro is really small so everything was walking distance. We were going to go to Death Valley and the Moon Valley in the driest dessert in the world, the Atacama desert.
Our tour started when the bus dropped us off at Death Valley. We had to walk through the valley for one hour, because the bus could not pass through it. Because the road was to dangerous to drive past, it picked us up at the other end. Afterwards, wthe bus brought us to cool sites throughout the Moon Valley where we took lots of pictures, and then, Stephanie and I watched the sunset at Moon Valley over the mountains (I know that it sounds really romantic, but it really wasn't, we couldn't stop bickering the whole way...).
We had wanted to see the moon pop up so that we could have taken pictures (it was called moon valley, so we thought that there would be a moon somewhere...), but no moon showed up. When we got back, I said by goodbyes to Stephanie, and I took my 24 hour bus ride to Santiago...
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