nicola's adventures
wednesday 9th aug - ko phan gan
up at 700 this morning for yoga, janet loves yoga and was teaching us as shes a lecturer, really enjoyed it makes you so chilled. perfect setting here on the beach, think i might take it up when i get home. after breakfast did some sunbathing, watched the others play volleyball while lying under a plam tree in the hammock, heaven! went for a wander on the beach and me and amie had our hair all braided! we look like proper travellers now, cost 8pound and took 3 hours!
tonite was absoulety the craziest nite i hav ever had, we got pick up trucks to Hat Rin beach at the south of the island for a bbq on the beach, perfect setting as we watched the full moon reflecting on the beach. arrived at the full moon party after travellign through the jungle. it was wicked there were 45,000 people crammed onto one beach. they sold drinks in buckets which were lethal, they put this red bull stuff in them , which is illegal in our country and it does funny things to u, also they put in a bottle of vodka! crazy stuff. we brought some UV paint from one of the stands and decorated everyone as illuminious tribal warriors! there was dancing on the throwers...people weeing in the sea...people swimming out to boats. i hav never seen anything like it before was mental, such an experience. got pick up truck back to our beach bout 5ish for an hour journey, not good after been drinking! we then stayed up and watched the sunrise on our beach, was wicked wicked nite !!!
thursday 10th aug - ko phan gan
the day after the night before.... (today was pretty much a right off for everyone who went to the full moon party last nite, everyone in bed all day!)
friday 11th aug - ko phan gan
up at 7 this morning and was picked up by a speed boat to take up to the lotus diving school. amie, ashley and i ahd never dived before, and matt who is a registered diver. arrived at the diving school and got kitted out with our equipment....wetsuit, tank, flippers, breathing equipment etc..then had a ten min crash course before boarding the boat. on the boat for an hour and headed out to Sail Rock which is one of Thailands biggest diving sites. bit apprehensive on the boat as we were expecting to have a pool dive first. amie was sick on the boat before we jumped into the sea! it was scary stuff as we were in the middle of the ocean and didnt really know how to use our equipment and the waves were really rough. after a few practises breathing under water, we went down holding onto a rope. u hav to do it step by step as the ear pressure can be too much. omg i hav never felt such pain in my ears before, apparently the first time always hurts. we progressed down to 10 metres under water and saw some fisheys and coral things. its so cool under water, its really surreal as all your senses are taken away from u, really bizzarre. think i would have enjoyed it alot more if we had the pool dive first as would have had more confidence, btu did enjoy it. i want to do my PADI course, which then means u are a registered diver, u can do three day intensive course..think i will do it on my next travels!! got the speed boat back to our beach, which ashley drove for a bit...our driver had one eye! in the evening we all got a long tail boat to another beach for another BBQ on another beautiful moonlit beach!
sat 12th aug - ko phan gan - Surat Thani
up at 8 to do some yoga, last time on the beach. today has been all travelling, been fun as been on every possible method of getting quite an expert at sleeping anywhere now! we left at 1130 and got pick up truck to the port, where we boarded the ferry for 3.5 hours...after that we were on a mini bus for 1.5 hours, then we got on an overnight train for 13hours!!! overnight train was really good fun....the seats fold down into beds so it was like sleeping in one big dorm. it was lights out at 10 as all the locals go to bed early plus we had to be up at 430! i had quite a good nites sleep on the bottom bunk, but everyone who was on teh top didnt sleep as they were scared of falling out!
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