Wow what another day, some more wicked experince.
So today i was preparing myself for the deep dive. Not quite such an early start and before i knew it, it was time to leave for the dive centre. To start with was going over the theory for deep diving, it was starting to sink in that deep diving if not done properly can actually be pretty dangerous, not that it was going to be a problem today. The sea was alot calmer today as wel, couldnt really complain about anything the sun was out and it was a lush day.
Heading out today there were no dolphines, apparently they'd been seen earlier but they were gone, however the whales were alot closer in, infact driving to it and right up until we were preparing to go in we could see them, not doing acrobatics but stil coming up to breath. There closer position today was strengthened with how easily and clearly we could hear them. My instructor reakoned they were pretty close, at one point he half started heading out to try find them but changed his mind when a group of sting rays swam over us and we jst followed them instead. Saw alot of the same, turtles, stingrays, wobbegong sharks, adding in there HUGE potatoe cod, i always assumed cod were the size they come out on the plate from the chippie but apparently not. They are huge, different shape to sharks/ dolphines but these were still at least as big as me. I also had a very scary moment with a nursery shark, being deeper they were a fair big bigger, definately bigger than me! and at one point im pretty sure i looked like good breackfast!
Myself and the instructor were cruising around admiring all the different fish we were seeing and from a rock in the distance appeared a big gery nursery shark, not noticing at first but he was headed straight towards us. My instructor found a rock to cling onto, pulling himself close to it and out the way, but that didnt help his eyes were on me! The rock wasnt in reach of me, he was looking straight at me not altering his path slowly but deliberately. I genuinely thought i was the chefs special on the Jullian Rocks menu board. He was within meters and he stopped still looking at me, i suddenly managed to move and kind of tucked in behind my instructor, his eyes still were on well both of us now, after what seemed liked ages he did eventually turn and swim away. I guess he wasnt quite ready for lunch? My intructor turned around and saw me cowering behind him, making both of us laugh which is quite interesting when underwater!
Some more swimming around seeing a group of sting rays swimming over us and our time was up for the deep dive. Rising to the surface was quite disorientating as we had swum away from the main rocks so were coming up in the middle of nowhere. Amazing feeling and was so nice floating on the surface not doing much but enjoying the sun and talking about everything we had seen.
A scary but amazing experince.
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