Nearing the end... crazy. I am soaking up the rays, and eating as many cheap steaks as I can before I get home! No more jumping out of silly things in silly places though. Silly.
So, after leaving Queenstown we went through Milton, a strange town that had two contractors build the main road through the middle... unfortunately they missed, and in the middle of the high street there is a steep bend in the road where the two roads obviously miss. Crazy.
Went on to Dunedin, strange little town. Made up mainly of students, hurrah! So I spent my time going to the art gallery and pushing a shopping trolley around on bubble wrap. It was incredibley fun, I recommend it if you have a spare few hours.
Whizzed on up to Lake Tekapo, and incredible lake with lots of views and sun, so I soaked up the rays and worked on my tan. (HA).
Christchurch next - bizarre town. Lots of strange people trying to preach to you in the main city centre, and bizarre shops. Oh well. It was also the end of travelling with Stian (who I had travelled with since Auckland) and Nikki and Jaclyn (south island buddies!). Very sad to leave them but it was all made better by lots of dominos pizza and shushi. Don't ask why. The combination worked for me!
New Zealand isn't all strange and bizarre. These towns just seemed to be near each other!!
Next was Kaikoura - I had booked a trip to go whale watching with my pass, and this was the time to do it. It was i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e. We saw a Sperm whale for about 15 minutes, it was chasing a fish just below the water so kept on going down and chasing it. Very amazing to see. We also came across a pod of around 400 dolphins. They don't usually, but it happened when I went - Wahooo! Jumping all around the boat and just having fun. It was a sight I cannot explain, I don't think I stopped smiling whilst watching them!
Finally whizzing up to Napier - the town was demolished by a big earthquake in the 1930s, so it is all in the Art Deco style - you would have loved it Nan! It was also Art Deco Festival weekend (having already been to Lakefest in Rotarua, Busking fest in Nelson, New Zealand festival in Wellington! I seem to be at the right place at the right time!) Really great festival with everyone dressed up in 1930s clothes, bands playing and lots of ice cream - happy Nick.
So basically - a lot of couch time has been had, a lot of yummy steaks have been consumed, and lots of jungle speed has been taught!
Two more nights left. Crazy!! Then I fly forwards 14 hours, change the clocks back 17hours, have two Tuesdays and go from 30oC to -2oC. Wish me luck!!
Nick xxx
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